Thomas More Society

Thomas More Society is a public interest law firm that works to erode human rights through litigation with a focus on representing anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ clients. Additionally, Thomas More Society drafts model legislation in an effort to form a theocracy rooted in conservative, Christian ideals.

Summary Extremism Key Players Influence Legal And Financial Related Orgs


Founded in 1997 by Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Society is a public interest law firm in Chicago, Illinois, working to erode abortion access and LGBTQIA+ rights. Its first legal battle was with National Organization for Women v. Scheidler, where the group defended Joseph Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League founder and the “godfather” of the anti-abortion movement, in a 1994 lawsuit brought by NOW against Scheidler, a nationwide anti-abortion coalition called Pro-Life Action Network (PLAN), and other violent anti-abortion actors that orchestrated abortion clinic invasions, blockades, arson attacks, bombings, attacks against patients, and murders of providers. After an initial loss by the Thomas More Society, the U.S. Supreme Court eventually ruled in Scheidler v. NOW (2003) and Scheidler v. NOW (2006) that federal laws against racketeering and extortion do not apply to anti-abortion harassment and violence outside of abortion clinics. From there, Thomas More Society made a name for itself arguing abortion rights and LGBTQIA+ rights cases. 

In line with its history of defending violent anti-abortion extremists, Thomas More Society has defended Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act violators, anti-abortion centers (AACs), state abortion bans, anti-abortion activists, and transphobic public school educators. The firm has represented AACs in their fight to lie to the public and spread disinformation about the unsafe and unethical treatment “abortion pill reversal” against legal action from Illinois, California, and New York. Thomas More Society is behind model legislation that would allow private citizens to sue anyone helping a pregnant person travel interstate to receive abortion care. The firm’s current and past clients include 40 Days for Life, Pro-Life Action League, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), David Daleiden, Troy Newman, Lauren Handy, Norman Weslin, and AAC networks including Heartbeat International and Obria, among others. In a case representing Marcus Silva, Thomas More Society is working alongside former Texas Solicitor General Jonathan F. Mitchell, the architect of SB 8.

Beyond the anti-abortion movement, Thomas More Society made a bigger name for itself by trying to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election with its “Amistad Project,” specifically fueling skepticism over President Biden’s win and election integrity in several states.


Leadership At Thomas More Society Gives Statements And Testimony That Contribute To Anti-Abortion Stigma

Peter Breen, Thomas More Society Vice President And Head Of Litigation, Has Publicly Opposed Pregnant People Traveling Interstate To Access Abortion Care. “The Thomas More Society, a conservative legal organization, is drafting model legislation for state lawmakers that would allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a resident of a state that has banned abortion from terminating a pregnancy outside of that state. […] ‘Just because you jump across a state line doesn’t mean your home state doesn’t have jurisdiction,’ said Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel for the Thomas More Society. ‘It’s not a free abortion card when you drive across the state line.’” [Washington Post, 6/29/22]

When Testifying Before The Illinois Legislature, Breen Diminished The Danger Of Anti-Abortion Disinformation And Validated Lies That Abortion Causes Infertility And Cancer. “There are three examples of items that SB1909 states are actionable ‘misinformation’: first, stating that abortion may cause infertility, second, stating that having an abortion, or more accurately not proceeding through to birth, may increase a risk of cancer, and third, concealing, or not disclosing, that childbirth is allegedly 14 times more deadly than abortion. However, these three items are hotly disputed between pro-life and prochoice advocates. The government can’t shut down that public debate and force or coerce people of faith into delivering its talking points in favor of abortion, under the guise of ‘deceptive practices.’ To put it more bluntly, government can regulate how Walmart sells shoes, but it can’t tell these Christians how to sell Jesus.” [Illinois House Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee, Peter Breen testimony, 4/25/23]

  • These Are Common Myths Promulgated By Anti-Abortion Actors. “Evidence has shown that abortion is not associated with a higher risk of infertility, and people can get pregnant immediately after having an abortion. […] Abortion does not cause breast cancer. Evidence has shown that there is no causal link between breast cancer and abortion.” [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, accessed 5/10/24]
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Thomas More Society Believes The Freedom Of Access To Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act Should Be Repealed And Defends FACE Act Violators

The FACE Act, A Federal Law Intended To Protect Patients And Providers Against Anti-Abortion Violence And Harassment, Was Created In Direct Response To Violent Tactics Of Operation Rescue. “In 1994, Congress passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) in response to the violence against abortion providers and patients heralded by Operation Rescue.” [Pro-Lies Directory, Equity Forward, accessed 4/16/24]

In His Capacity As A Board Member Of The Center For Medical Progress, Thomas More Society Represented Operation Rescue Director, Troy Newman, In The Case Of Illegally Captured Recordings Of Planned Parenthood Employees. [Planned Parenthood Federation of America v. Newman, Case No. 20-16068, 10/21/22]

Thomas More Society Defended Violent Anti-Abortion Activist Norman Weslin, Of The Notre Dame 88 As Well As The Lambs Of Christ, An Anti-Abortion Organization Specializing In Blockading Clinics. “When Father Norman Weslin, founder and head of the notorious anti-abortion ‘rescue’ group Lambs of Christ, died on May 16, the small handful of remembrances that were sent out in anti-choice circles reflected where he’d stood on the spectrum of the ‘pro-life’ movement: an extremist who lived in the swirl of the most violent faction of the cause, while professing that his was a nonviolent witness. […] And the Thomas More Society, a Christian legal defense group that represented Weslin as part of the ‘Notre Dame 88’ (a group of abortion protesters arrested in 2009) praised him as a visionary who was ‘ahead of his time’ in his promotion of nonviolent civil disobedience. […] Weslin’s lifetime example of ‘nonviolent’ protest, the Thomas More statement read, was now being used by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in their recent call for Catholics to engage in civil disobedience against the Obama administration’s HHS Health Care mandate.” [Religion Dispatches, 6/6/12]

Thomas More Society Represented A FACE Act Violator Harassing Visitors At A Denver-Based Planned Parenthood. “A judge Thursday denied the federal government’s request to keep a longtime anti-abortion protester from being able to stop cars and talk to drivers as they enter Denver’s Planned Parenthood center. U.S. District Judge Philip Brimmer rejected the Justice Department’s argument that Kenneth Scott’s actions make it ‘unreasonably difficult’ for patients and employees to get to the clinic. ‘Great news,’ one of Scott’s lawyers, Peter Breen, said of Brimmer’s late-evening ruling.” [Denver Post, 1/25/12]

In United States of America v. Gallagher, et al., Thomas More Society Represented Six FACE Act Violators Who Blockaded An Abortion Clinic In Mount Juliet, Tennessee. “A Tennessee jury has convicted six anti-abortion protesters of violating federal laws after they blocked the entrance of a reproductive clinic outside Nashville nearly three years ago. […] Attorneys representing the defendants say they plan on appealing the convictions. The legal team has described the 2021 demonstration as a ‘peaceful life-affirming gathering’ and has accused the federal justice department of prosecuting ‘pro-life activists’ ever since the Supreme Court’s landmark 2022 abortion decision. ‘This was a peaceful demonstration by entirely peaceable citizens — filled with prayer, hymn-singing, and worship — oriented toward persuading expecting mothers not to abort their babies,’ said Steve Crampton, an attorney with the Thomas More Society.” [Associated Press, 1/31/24]

In United States of America v. Mark Houck, Thomas More Society Represented A FACE Act Violator Accused Of Shoving An Abortion Clinic Escort. “A prominent Catholic antiabortion activist accused of shoving a Planned Parenthood volunteer was acquitted Monday of charges that he instigated the encounter to intimidate workers at the organization’s Center City clinic. […] Right-wing media had rallied around Houck’s defense, citing his prosecution as another instance of what they described as the Biden administration’s using the Justice Department against those with opposing political views. The Chicago-based Catholic public-interest law firm the Thomas More Society sent attorneys to take up his case.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/30/23]

  • Breen Called The Case An “Intimidation Tactic” By The Biden-Harris Administration’s DOJ. “‘This case has been nothing but an intimidation tactic by the Biden Justice Department,’ said Peter Breen, the Thomas More Society attorney who represented Houck in court along with local defense lawyer Brian McMonagle. ‘This matter never should have drawn the attention of the Department of Justice. And our hope here is that message was sent to Washington, D.C. to stop this harassment.’” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/30/23]

In United States v. Handy, Thomas More Society Represented FACE Act Violator Lauren Handy And Four Others For Blockading An Abortion Clinic In October 2020 In Washington, D.C. “Lauren Handy was on trial with four others who were charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, a 1994 law that prohibits threats to and obstruction of a person seeking reproductive health services or providers. A U.S. District Court jury in D.C. found Handy and all four of her co-defendants guilty on all counts. Federal prosecutors allege the defendants — Handy, of Alexandria, Va.; John Hinshaw, of Levittown, N.Y.; Heather Idoni, of Linden, Mich.; William Goodman, of New York; and Herb Geraghty, of Pittsburgh — violated federal law when they used chains, bike locks and ropes to blockade the Washington Surgi-Clinic in October 2020.” [Washington Post, 8/29/23]

  • In A Separate Instance, Police Found Questionably Obtained Fetal Remains In Lauren Handy’s Home, Which Were Assumed To Be Products Of Legal Abortions. “Ms. Handy became the focus of widespread public attention in March 2022, the day after she was charged in connection with the clinic blockade, when the police announced they had found five fetuses in a home that the anti-abortion group said was hers. The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia said investigators had acted on a tip about ‘potential biohazard material.’ […] The investigation into the fetuses was ongoing, and no one has been charged in connection with the discovery, the police said on Wednesday. The police department has previously said that the abortions of the fetuses were legal under D.C. law and that their investigation would focus on how the remains ended up in the house.’” [New York Times, 8/30/23]
  • Handy Is Associated With Two Anti-Abortion Groups, ‘Survivors Of The Abortion Holocaust’ And ‘Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.’ “Lauren Handy, in her late 20s, is a veteran of the young-adult anti-abortion extremist group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust who became a leader of the Washington, D.C.-based Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising. PAAU is an allegedly left-wing, extremist anti-abortion organization ‘committed to direct action by putting our bodies between the oppressed and the oppressor.’” [Ms. Magazine, 1/18/24]

Andrew Bath, Thomas More Society Executive Vice President And General Counsel, Believes That The FACE Act Is Unconstitutional. “This egregious abuse of government power must stop. The FACE Act has been weaponized by this administration. Even if enforced honestly, the FACE Act is unconstitutional. If our constitutional system of separation of powers and the ideal of citizen self-government are to be preserved, the FACE Act must be repealed.” [Office of Congressman Chip Roy, Press Release, 9/19/23]

Breen Has Misleadingly Associated Sidewalk Harassment Of Abortion Patients With Civil Rights-Era Sit-Ins. “Peter Breen, Thomas More Society Executive Vice President and Head of Litigation, explained how, in his opinion, the Biden Administration is unconstitutionally using the law to target the free speech of pro-life individuals—punishing them for their peaceful protest of abortion vendors. ‘The FACE Act really is intended to stop civil actions where pro-life advocates peaceably sit in front of the door of an abortion facility,’ Breen shared. ‘These peaceful sit-ins draw their genesis from the American Civil Rights movement. The FACE Act turned that into a federal crime, which is a great shame as there are local laws to deal with trespassing.’” [PRNewswire, 1/18/24]

Breen Has Called FACE Act Violators “Brave Civilians” That Are Treated “Worse Than Major Drug Dealers.” “‘The problem is that the Biden Administration has charged these peaceful protestors with a ten-year felony “conspiracy against rights” and treated them worse than major drug dealers,’ Breen stated. ‘In an act of major overreach, the Biden Department of Justice has also labeled this as a crime of violence, heaping on the unjust persecution of these brave civilians who have exercised their right to speak out against abortion.’” [PRNewswire, 1/18/24]

Alongside Fellow Anti-Abortion Groups, Thomas More Society Supported Efforts To Repeal The FACE Act. “Today, Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) introduced legislation to repeal the unconstitutional and weaponized Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act; Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) will lead companion legislation in the Senate. […] Supporting organizations include Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Thomas More Society, Family Research Council, Students for Life Action, Catholic Vote, Live Action and Citizens for Renewing America.” [Office of Congressman Chip Roy, Press Release, 9/19/23]

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Thomas More Society Uses Legal Strategy To Advance Anti-Abortion “Fetal Personhood” Arguments

In 2015, Thomas More Society Filed An Amicus Brief To Argue That Embryos Are Legally People. “Anti-abortion groups are seeking a foothold on a new battlefield: custody disputes over frozen embryos. Take the case of Jalesia McQueen and Justin Gadberry, a divorced Missouri couple in a court fight over the frozen embryos left over after the birth of their twins through in vitro fertilization. […] Thomas Olp, of the Thomas More Society, a conservative public-interest law firm that filed the brief in concert with Missouri Right to Life and other anti-abortion groups, said: ‘Husbands and wives can divide up their property however they want, but embryos are living beings, so the legal standard has to be what’s in their best interest.’ […] The cases are part of the broader ‘personhood’ debate that has become central to abortion politics.” [New York Times, 1/19/16]

  • Thomas More Society Also Intervened In The Related Case, Loeb v. Vergara. “His firm has also intervened in a much-publicized California case on the frozen embryos the actress Sofía Vergara made with her ex-fiancé, Nick Loeb, who wants to use them with a surrogate. Ms. Vergara’s request to dismiss the case was denied, but no trial date has been set. Mr. Olp said his firm is likely to also join any appeal of recent cases in Chicago and San Francisco, involving women who froze embryos when they received cancer diagnoses and sought to use them after treatment, over the fathers’ objections.”  [New York Times, 1/19/16]
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Thomas More Society Litigates To Uphold LGBTQIA+ Discrimination

Thomas More Society Has A Long History Of Promoting A Full Range Of Discrimination Against LGBTQIA+ People. “Two religious liberty groups have come out in support of a northwest suburban high school district’s policy requiring a transgender student to change and shower in private rooms, in advance of a federal directive on the issue. The Thomas More Society and the Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Monday to Township High School District 211 providing a legal argument in support of its policy. […] Ed Yohnka, a spokesman for the ACLU, said he was not surprised by the latest development. ‘Thomas More favors every sort of discrimination possible against LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning) people,’ he said. ‘They were for discrimination in adoption and gay marriage. They were wrong every other time, and they’re wrong this time.’” [Chicago Tribune, 10/21/15]

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Thomas More Society Uses Litigation To Oppose Transgender Youth In Need Of Healthcare

Thomas More Society Represented A Transphobic Mother In A Lawsuit Against Her Emancipated Child Who Sought Healthcare. “A mother in Minnesota who sued her transgender daughter for emancipating herself and then obtaining gender transition care is bringing her case to the Supreme Court […] Her daughter, identified in court papers as E.J.K., moved out in 2015 and at 15 years old obtained a letter from a legal clinic that concluded E.J.K. was ‘legally emancipated.’ Using that letter, E.J.K. was able to obtain gender transition care […] ‘This is an unacceptable situation for any parent and a serious violation of parental and due process rights,’ Kaardal said.” [CNBC, 7/24/19]

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Thomas More Society Has Applauded SCOTUS For Its Decisions That Repress Abortion Access And LGBTQIA+ Rights

Thomas More Society Attorney Charles LiMandri Has Applauded U.S. Supreme Court Justices For What He Perceives As Injustices Against Religious Freedom. “[U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s] chief topic attracted less attention but was more noteworthy: the need to protect religious freedom from what the justice described as increasing public indifference, if not outright antagonism. […] ‘Justice Alito is absolutely correct that the attacks on our religious liberty have been ramping up all over our nation,’ said Charles LiMandri, an attorney for the Thomas More Society, which filed arguments on the winning side in the abortion case. ‘Thank God that the majority of the current members of the United States Supreme Court, like Justice Alito, are turning their attention to righting some of the injustices wrought by secular ideologues who are hostile to our religious freedoms.’” [San Francisco Chronicle, 8/10/22]

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Paul Jonna Praised SCOTUS’ Decision In 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. “Paul Jonna, Thomas More Society special counsel, explained, ‘We are optimistic that the ruling in 303 Creative will protect all creative professionals involved in the wedding industry, including Cathy Miller. The Supreme Court’s ruling makes abundantly clear that there is room in our great county for people of all views on marriage.’” [WorldNetDaily, 6/30/23]

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Key Players

Founder, President & Chief Counsel

Tom Brejcha

Tom Brejcha is the founder, president, and chief counsel of Thomas More Society. He defended anti-abortion activist and Pro-Life Action League founder Joseph Scheidler (the godfather of the anti-abortion movement) in Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, wherein the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal laws against racketeering and extortion do not apply to anti-abortion harassment and violence directed at abortion clinics. Brejcha likened this sidewalk harassment to mere freedom of speech.

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Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Board Member

Andrew Bath

Andrew Bath is the executive vice president, general counsel, and secretary of the board of directors of Thomas More Society. He has been involved with Thomas More Society since 2013. He is the former board chairman for Wisconsin Right to Life’s Political Action Committee and a member of the Heritage Foundation, an anti-human rights “think tank,” where he has spoken on multiple anti-abortion panels. Bath believes the FACE Act should be repealed altogether. Before Dobbs, Bath was giddy at the prospect of Roe being overturned.

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Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation

Peter Breen

Peter Breen is Thomas More Society’s Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation. He was previously an Illinois state representative. As an attorney, he has defended anti-abortion sidewalk harassers and the unethical and unsafe treatment “abortion pill reversal falsely advertised by AACs. He has spread anti-abortion disinformation and threatened pregnant people traveling interstate to receive abortion care.

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Board Chairman

Ann Scheidler

Ann Scheidler is chairman of Thomas More Society’s board of directors, a position she’s held since 2008. She is the wife of Pro-Life Action League founder Joseph Scheidler, the godfather of the anti-abortion movement. Ann also helped found the Pro-Life Action League.

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Senior Counsel

Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R)

Mary Elizabeth Coleman is an anti-abortion activist, Missouri state senator, and special counsel for Thomas More Society. Rep. Coleman introduced an anti-abortion measure that would restrict out-of-state abortion care, akin to Texas’ SB 8, in Missouri. She also introduced a Missouri Senate Bill that would make Planned Parenthood ineligible to receive reimbursements from the state’s Medicaid program.

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Alliance Defending Freedom

Alliance Defending Freedom And Thomas More Society Worked Together To Create A Transphobic Model Policy For School Restrooms. “Two religious liberty groups have come out in support of a northwest suburban high school district’s policy requiring a transgender student to change and shower in private rooms, in advance of a federal directive on the issue. The Thomas More Society and the Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Monday to Township High School District 211 providing a legal argument in support of its policy. The groups also offered a model policy that would provide private changing areas for all students who request it, based on religious or other reasons, but would not provide transgender students access to the facilities of their choice.” [Chicago Tribune, 10/19/15]

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Thomas More Society Drafts Anti-Abortion And Transphobic Model Legislation

Thomas More Society Drafts Model Legislation That Would Allow Private Citizens To Sue Anyone Helping A Pregnant Person In An Abortion-Banned State Receive Access To Care “The Thomas More Society, a conservative legal organization, is drafting model legislation for state lawmakers that would allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a resident of a state that has banned abortion from terminating a pregnancy outside of that state. The draft language will borrow from the novel legal strategy behind a Texas abortion ban enacted last year in which private citizens were empowered to enforce the law through civil litigation.” [Washington Post, 6/29/22]

Alongside Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate Group Alliance Defending Freedom, Thomas More Society Wrote Transphobic Model Policy For School Changing Rooms. “Two religious liberty groups have come out in support of a northwest suburban high school district’s policy requiring a transgender student to change and shower in private rooms, in advance of a federal directive on the issue. The Thomas More Society and the Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Monday to Township High School District 211 providing a legal argument in support of its policy. The groups also offered a model policy that would provide private changing areas for all students who request it, based on religious or other reasons, but would not provide transgender students access to the facilities of their choice. Peter Breen, an attorney for the Chicago-based society, called it a ‘common-sense’ approach that complied with federal law.” [Chicago Tribune, 10/19/15]

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Thomas More Society Has Filed Amicus Brief In Cases Attempting To Roll Back Human Rights

In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Which Overturned A Federal Right To Abortion, Thomas More Society Filed An Amicus Brief Arguing That The Right To Abortion Is Not Supported By U.S. History And Legal Tradition… “In Roe, the Court described the right being asserted, not in general terms of ‘personal autonomy’ or ‘bodily integrity,’ […] or even more specifically as ‘reproductive freedom,’ […] but as the right of a woman ‘to choose to terminate her pregnancy.’ […] As this brief demonstrates, however, nothing in our history, legal traditions or practices supports recognition of such a right.” [Thomas More Society Dobbs Amicus Brief, 7/26/21]

  • …And That Nineteenth-Century Abortion Bans Indicate Roe Should Be Overturned. “[N]ineteenth century abortion statutes and cases interpreting them leads to one inescapable conclusion: they were enacted with an intent to protect unborn human life.”  [Thomas More Society Dobbs Amicus Brief, 7/26/21]
  • These Deliberately Ahistorical Arguments Come From A Longstanding Anti-Abortion Fiction. “We are dismayed that the court declined to take seriously the historical claims of our [Dobbs amicus curiae] brief. Instead, the court adopted a flawed interpretation of abortion criminalization that has been pressed by anti-abortion advocates for more than 30 years. The opinion inadequately represents the history of the common law, the significance of quickening in state law and practice in the United States, and the 19th-century forces that turned early abortion into a crime.” [American Historical Association, 7/2022]

In The Consolidated Cases Of Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania and Donald J. Trump, et al. v. Pennsylvania, et al., Thomas More Society Filed An Amicus Brief In Support Of Further Gutting The Affordable Care Act’s Contraceptive Mandate. [Thomas More Society Little Sisters Amicus Brief, 3/9/20]

Thomas More Society Filed An Amicus Brief In Support Of Overturning Nebraska’s No-Fault Divorce Law. “A devoutly Catholic husband who refused to grant his wife a divorce on religious grounds urged Nebraska’s highest court Thursday to overturn the state’s no-fault divorce law in a case that could leave Nebraska as the only state without a law that lets couples end their marriage without assigning blame. […] Nebraska’s no-fault divorce law allows one spouse to declare the marriage dead, and the courts ‘rubber stamp that’ without giving the other spouse an adequate chance to argue why it should be preserved, said Matthew Heffron, an attorney for the Thomas More Society, which filed a brief urging the court to strike down Nebraska’s law.” [Associated Press, 9/3/20]

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