Choose Life Marketing

Choose Life Marketing is an extremist anti-abortion business that provides marketing and digital services to anti-abortion centers, organizations and businesses across the U.S. and the world.

Summary Extremism Key Players And Related Groups Influence Financial Related Orgs


Choose Life Marketing is an extremist anti-abortion business that exists to provide marketing services to anti-abortion centers (AACs), organizations and businesses. The company was founded as a division of Caledon Virtual, a Missouri-based marketing company that was founded and run by Nelly Roach and her husband J. Michael Roach. After the anti-abortion organization Vitae Foundation approached Caledon Virtual in 2015, the Roaches founded Choose Life Marketing. The pair continue to serve as President and Creative Director, respectively, of both Caledon Virtual and Choose Life Marketing, through which they push their anti-abortion extremism.

Choose Life Marketing advertises its services to AACs, anti-abortion organizations, adoption agencies and Christian-led businesses. It uses digital marketing tactics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), paid search strategies, social media marketing and geofencing, to target, intercept and misinform pregnant people seeking abortion and pregnancy care. Preying on people already in need of care and in potentially vulnerable positions, Choose Life Marketing doubles down on these strategies, with a large focus on how AACs can target young adults and children, as young as high school. Like many anti-abortion actors today, Choose Life Marketing gathers data to target pregnant people through social media ads and internet searches – in such a concerning manner it helped spark a congressional investigation into these tactics.

Choose Life Marketing has been pushing ways for anti-abortion actors to navigate a changing healthcare landscape in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA’s easing of access to the abortion medication mifepristone in January 2023, and the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Most recently, Choose Life Marketing was hired by the state of Missouri to market its Alternatives to Abortion program. It was cited in a Center for Countering Digital Hate report as a marketing agency contributing to Google’s approximately $10.2 million in revenue from AAC ads in the last two years. As such, Choose Life Marketing is an important player in continuing AACs’ manipulation of and harm toward pregnant people’s safety and autonomy.

Last updated 8/10/2023.


Choose Life Marketing Is An Extremist Business Organization With The Goal Of Eliminating Abortion Access Through Deceptive Advertising

Choose Life Marketing Provides Marketing Services To Anti-Abortion Actors. “Choose Life Marketing was founded to make a significant difference in the lives of women faced with unplanned pregnancies. We help further the mission of pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations by developing and offering a set of marketing services that are specific to the industry. Today, Choose Life Marketing sets the industry standard for pregnancy center and pro-life marketing across the county and on a global scale.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Seeks To Obstruct Reproductive Health Access In A Number of Ways, Using Separate Websites To Target Both Pregnant People And Interested Anti-Abortion Donors. “The majority of pregnancy centers rely on donations to continue operating. Choose Life Marketing specializes in the development of donor-facing website design, as well as email marketing campaigns, Facebook advertising campaigns, and marketing capital campaigns to help you build and maintain relationships with your donor base, and encourage donations, to help women with early pregnancy symptoms.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]
  • Maintaining Separate Websites For Prospective Clients And Anti-Abortion Donors Is A Strategy AACs Employ To Appear As If They Are A Legitimate Health Care Provider. “And at the Heartbeat [International] conference, speakers and vendors made it clear that attracting ‘abortion-minded’ clients through technology and other marketing practices was a priority — and that it was sometimes helpful to downplay their anti-abortion mission. […] In her session, ‘Do I Really Need Two Sites?’ [Lauren] Chenoweth [of Heartbeat International] explained that, yes, in fact, pregnancy centers do. She recommended that centers operate one that describes an anti-abortion mission to secure donors and another that lists medical information to attract women seeking contraception, counseling, or abortion.” [Cosmopolitan, 4/6/15]

Choose Life Marketing Compared Itself To The Biblical Story Of David And Goliath, Despite Being Part Of The Highly Coordinated, Incredibly Well-Funded Network Of Anti-Abortion Actors. “Do you ever feel overwhelmed in your day-to-day work, wondering if you’re doing all you can to bring hope and truth to women in need of your services as you combat the lies the abortion industry is selling them? It’s easy to look at the lobbying power, finances, and marketing prowess of Planned Parenthood and feel discouraged. The abortion giant seems to have it all and it can feel daunting to take it on. If you’re feeling a little like David in the David and Goliath story, take heart! David had a plan, and most importantly, he had God on his side. You do, too. No matter how big and intimidating Planned Parenthood may seem, God is for you and with you, providing the resources and light to take on the darkness of abortion.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Is Upset By New AAC Advertising Regulations Because It Prevents Their Ability To Deceive People. “Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech: If you’ve followed the news, watched any senate committee hearings, or tried to run Google or Facebook ads lately, you’ve likely noticed an increase in censorship from Big Tech. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend, and one of the best ways to ensure abortion-minded women can still find you is through search engine optimization. In this FREE guide, we share what SEO is and why SEO is so important, especially as it relates to Big Tech censorship.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

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Choose Life Marketing Targets, Intercepts, Redirects And Misinforms Pregnant People Through Digital Interference And Targeted Marketing

Choose Life Marketing Develops Highly Targeted Tactics Using Data It Gathers On Pregnant People. “We have established strategies that work based on factors like your budget, geographical location, and the type of abortion-minded woman you are trying to reach.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

Like Other Anti-Abortion Actors, Choose Life Marketing’s Business Model Relies On Gathering And Manipulating People’s Data – Often Without Their Knowledge Or Consent. “We also found that anti-abortion marketing companies gained access to some of Oldham’s Pixel data, even though she never interacted with their websites. These included Choose Life Marketing, whose website claims to help crisis pregnancy centers develop digital strategies to ‘reach more abortion-minded women,’ […] Those organizations also added Oldham’s Facebook profile to custom audience groups capable of targeting her and people like her with ads for their services, as well as anti-abortion messaging.” [Reveal News, 6/15/22]

Choose Life Marketing Emphasizes Tactics Used To Intercept People That Are Looking For Abortion Care. “We specialize in a variety of strategies, like client-facing website design, SEO and blogging, paid search efforts, video marketing, and social media content creation to help you reach abortion-minded women in your area.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Encourages Using Keywords Like “Abortion Clinics” And “Pregnancy Help” In AACs’ Marketing Strategy To Deceive As Many People As Possible. “When pregnancy centers optimize their website, they should keep in mind what people would search in order to find your services. Some keywords we like to focus on here at Choose Life Marketing are ‘Pregnancy Testing’, ‘Abortion Clinics’, ‘Abortion Information’, ‘Pregnancy Help’ and a variety of others. It is best to create pages for each keyword or subject you would like to cover.” [Choose Life Marketing, 7/15/16]
  • Choose Life Marketing Encourages AACs To “Be Creative” In Their Use Of Abortion-Related Keywords. “Choose Life Marketing’s guide recommends that centers note on their websites that they do not provide or refer abortions, while suggesting ad language that’s vague about what the center does provide. ‘You can also be creative and instead use abortion terms in your ads without using them to describe a service offering: “Get the facts before scheduling an abortion…” or “Considering Abortion?” ’ it says. ‘Reaching abortion-minded women requires centers to be very strategic in all areas of marketing, but especially in Google advertising.’ In a guide focused on reaching women in states with restrictive abortion laws, Choose Life recommends that anti-abortion centers ‘bid on keywords related to the next city or town where abortion is available.’ Paid advertising, it says, ‘can help reach her in the knick [sic] of time. This is especially critical for reaching women before they travel for abortion.’” [NPR, 6/22/23]
  • Choose Life Marketing Manipulates Facebook Advertising To Obstruct Abortion Access. “Donor Facebook Campaigns: Our digital strategists will create advertising copy and graphics that reflect your donor campaign goals. Once approved, we serve these advertisements to a specific target audience that we develop based on your donor demographics, email list, and more. The ads will be tested and managed throughout the length of your campaign.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]
  • Choose Life Marketing Highlights Its Use of Facebook Retargeting To Hound People With Ads. “Facebook retargeting provides another point of contact between you and members of your target audience. With retargeting, those who have visited your website or are in your email list will be served ads across Facebook and other social media platforms to remind those visitors of your organization.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]
  • Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs On How To Buy Google Ads. “Paid Search Strategies Post Roe: Whether your pregnancy center has been using paid search for years, or you feel a little nervous at the thought of navigating Google ads for the first time, now is your moment. As the legal landscape changes, take a fresh look at how to maximize your ad budget and life-changing impact!” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs On How To Use Geofencing, A Widespread Nefarious Tactic Employed By AACs. “Geofencing is an advertising tactic that allows you to set up a virtual fence around a physical location. When people walk into this zoned of location, that trigger causes your ads to be shown to people in that area. […] For pregnancy centers, consider where you clients are spending their time and where you most want to reach them and inform them about your services.” [Choose Life Marketing, 10/22/19]

  • Choose Life Marketing Wants AACs To “Be Creative” With Their Geofencing In Order To Target High School And University Students And Those At Abortion Clinics. “Be creative with your geofencing – you can set it up around high schools, universities, shopping malls, movie theaters and abortion clinics. Geofencing is an ideal advertising option for mobile pregnancy centers. If you have a mobile unit, you can target the locations where you park your mobile office the days you are there. Using this as a tactic in an integrated marketing campaign will help you more effectively target women facing an unplanned pregnancy.” [Choose Life Marketing, 10/22/19]
  • Choose Life Marketing Doubles Down On The Use Of Geofencing In A July 2023 Free Marketing Resource.

[“What We Know About Marketing a Year After Dobbs”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 7/18/23]

Choose Life Marketing Teaches AACs How To Use The Software CallRail To “Track How Women Find Your Phone Number” – And Then Text Those Tracked Numbers. “Knowing where and how women (or donors) are finding you will help you know what’s working and what’s not. CallRail is software that helps your pregnancy center track how women find your phone number. It takes the mystery out of which ads, campaigns, and even billboards are working. If you can put a phone number on something, you can track it with CallRail. Additionally, CallRail has a mobile app for iPhone and Android to send and receive text messages from any of your tracking numbers. You and your staff can text from this app on your phone or computer. This means you can be extremely responsive to women reaching out to you for help. If you are an abortion pill reversal provider, having fast access to client communication is critical for saving lives.” [Choose Life Marketing, 5/26/22]

In The Wake Of The FDA’s Decision To Expand Abortion Access Via Telehealth, Choose Life Marketing Promotes Strategies To Intercept And Misinform People About Medication Abortion.

[Reach Women Before They Reach Out for the Abortion Pill Online!, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Purposely Tries To Confuse People Searching For Abortion Information Online To “Combat” People From Receiving Abortion Medication. “CPCs get help from specialized marketing agencies to lure abortion seekers. One firm, Choose Life Marketing, has a program dedicated to ‘combating’ mifepristone and misoprostol, a pair of drugs commonly known as the abortion pill. On its website, Choose Life advises, ‘Pregnancy centers should have a strong online presence, a relevant website, and a plan to oversaturate Google. This is where women are searching online every day and it’s crucial to meet them there.’” [Columbia Journalism Review, 12/6/22]

Choose Life Marketing Teaches Its Clients How To Deceive People Through YouTube Ads Targeting Specific Demographics And Locations.

[“Youtube Ad Optimization”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs To Create Two Websites – One Geared Toward Pregnant People Seeking Care, And One Geared Toward Donors – Marketed With Different Keyphrases To Hide Donor Sites From Pregnant People.

[“Two Is Better Than One–Here’s Why!”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • This Is A Common Tactic In The Anti-Abortion World. “[M]any CPCs maintain dual websites: a secular site to appeal to pregnant people, and a religious one to appeal to donors and supporters. Heartbeat International encourages affiliates to create two websites, one that describes the anti-abortion mission to secure donors, and one designed for people seeking medical care.” [Alliance State Advocates, 11/23/21]
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Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs And Other Anti-Abortion Nonprofits On How To Apply For $10,000 Google Grants

Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs On How To Get Grant Money From Google To Run Their Ads.

[“Quick Guide to Google Grant”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

In 2019, Choose Life Marketing Was Denied a Google Grant Because Of Their Own Websites’ Lack Of Security – And Were Encouraged By Google To Re-Apply. “Obria’s use of Google grants underscores how Google has become a vital marketing tool for such organisations. A group called Choose Life Marketing, which helps CPCs market their services, encourages its clients to apply for Google grants. The Guardian obtained a screenshot of an exchange in January [2019] in which a Choose Life Marketing employee sought assistance in an open online chatroom for not-for-profit organizations seeking assistance for Google ad grant applications. In the exchange, a Google employee explains that two centers’ websites were rejected because they were not secure, not because of their content. They were encouraged to re-apply.” [The Guardian, 5/13/19]

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Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs On How To Cultivate An Environment Of Deception To Mislead People Seeking Comprehensive Reproductive Care

Choose Life Marketing Advised AACs To “Be Vague” When Spreading Anti-Abortion Disinformation To Avoid Marketing Consequences. “Be Vague When Necessary […] Any surgical procedure can have a chance of side effects, including emotional. By wording this in a vague way — it’s possible to advertise post-abortion care on your website without any problems. The times we are living in make us do verbal gymnastics, but we have to do what we can to keep pregnancy center websites available to women in need.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Refers To The Aesthetic Value Of A “Medical And Professional Feel.” “Your brand should be an all-encompassing aesthetic experience, and we create branding assets that exemplify your values while resonating with those who are considering abortion. Whether you want a medical and professional feel, something soft and feminine, a cool and calm environment, or something entirely different, our graphic designers and branding team can bring your vision to life.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

Choose Life Marketing Encourages AACs To Co-Opt A “Scientific Tone” To Attract More People Seeking Information About Reproductive Health Care On Google By Citing Resources From Mayo Clinic, The FDA And The CDC.

[“Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Advised AACs To Cite Federal Agencies And Medical Centers When Spreading Anti-Abortion Disinformation In Order To Boost Credibility. “When discussing any medical-related topics—especially abortion procedures—ensure your details are accurate and worded carefully to follow language from reputable sources. Use the same side effects and health risks they use, and avoid terms they deem controversial (like “baby”) and instead use fetus. Additionally, be careful not to make claims not universally recognized. While we know the science behind things like abortion pill reversal and the ties to abortion and breast cancer is valid, because it is not universally recognized as valid, we need to use caution when addressing these topics. We recommend using Mayo Clinic and government agencies such as the FDA and information from the Department of Health and Human Services. Include links to your sources in your blogs or on your web pages. This will help boost your credibility and prevent being flagged for inaccurate information by Google.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Published A Guide On How To Compete With Actual Reproductive Health Care Facilities By Leveraging AACs’ Services That Are Marketed As Free, But Are Not Actually Free To Participants. “Whether your pregnancy center’s competitors are Planned Parenthood, another abortion clinic, or a center nearby, understanding them inside and out will help improve your marketing strategy, providing key insights so you can attract more abortion-minded women and better serve them. The strategic purpose of knowing your competition lies in identifying your center’s competitive advantages, or superior attributes that place your center in a more favorable position than competitors. For pregnancy centers, providing services at no cost remains the number one competitive advantage. But, research should not stop here.” [Choose Life Marketing, 2/11/21]

In A July 2023 Free Downloadable Resource, Choose Life Marketing Advised AACs In Different States On How To Deceptively Advertise.

[“What We Know About Marketing a Year After Dobbs”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 7/18/23]

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Choose Life Marketing Has Been Especially Focused On How To Target And Weaponize Social Media Against Young People

Choose Life Marketing Weaponizes Snapchat To Specifically Target High Schoolers During Prom Season.

[“How Snapchat Can Help You Reach Teens During Prom Season”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Target High School And College Students Using Deceptive Marketing. “Back to School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students: High School and college students are crucial audiences to engage. While these students might not be in your target demographic or need your services now, as they age they may become future clients. It is important to speak with them now so that they can start building a relationship with your center. As they get ready to go back to school, you can be preparing your marketing strategies to engage them and let them know who you are and that you are there for them.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Use Facebook Retargeting Campaigns And Meta Pixel To Target Students.

[“Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Use Snapchat Advertising To Target Students.

[“Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Advertise On The Dating App Tinder To Target Students.

[“Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Use Geofencing To Target Students In Schools, Malls And Abortion Clinics.

[“Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Provides Guidance On How AACs Can Market Specifically To Gen Z. “Who Is She Today? Gen Z is HERE as our new target audience. It’s up to us to bridge the gap between generations so she can hear us and be drawn to hope and choose life.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs On How To Deceptively Advertise To Generation Z Using Relatable Imagery. “Choose Life Marketing, a digital marketing company that works with anti-abortion clinics in the US and Ireland, said in training material posted to its website that Snapchat is a great place to advertise to the younger generation. It gives tips on how to include imagery with young people wearing baggy clothing or hairstyles that reflect Gen Z. ‘Like Facebook and Instagram, it would accelerate the word of mouth that has brought clients through your doors for many years,’ the Choose Life Marketing site said. Snapchat advertisements in particular ‘were effective at getting clients to directly respond to the ad and call pregnancy centers for appointments.’” [Bloomberg, 6/27/23]

Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs How To Deceptively Market To Millennials. “What You Should Know About Millennials: As we continue learning more about the various generations your pregnancy center markets to, we interviewed a variety of Millennials this week to learn how they feel about their generation, perceptions of their generation, how they respond to marketing tactics, and more. We were struck by the contrast regarding how they view their generation vs. how they know others view their generation. It’s always important to utilize empathy and understanding in your marketing – but it is vital when reaching out to this generation who feels misunderstood.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Has Targeted Facebook Users Who Are Also Users Of Tinder. “Though we did not analyze the presence of CPCs on social media apps TikTok and Snapchat in this Study, digital marketing firms such as ‘Choose Life Marketing,’ which advertises as a Google Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner, show the CPC industry is promoting tactics to target millennials and Gen Z through apps that attract younger users (e.g., Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok) and using Facebook ads to target women who use the dating app Tinder.” [Alliance State Advocates, 11/23/21]

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Choose Life Marketing Pushes Strategies Specifically For A Post-Roe Landscape – Demonstrating How Dangerous AACs Are

Choose Life Marketing Celebrated The Leaked Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision Draft That Would Overturn Roe v. Wade. “Choose Life Marketing, a Columbia-based anti-abortion marketing agency, celebrated the language from the draft opinion. The overturning of Roe vs. Wade does not result in a national ban on abortion. Instead, it redirects discussion and legislation back to the states as the United States Constitution intended,’ wrote Nelly Roach, agency president, in a statement. Choose Life will keep connecting women to ‘life-affirming resources and support in their communities and away from the predatory efforts of the abortion industry,’ Roach said.” [Columbia Daily Tribune, 5/3/22]

Choose Life Marketing Pounced On The Post-Roe Landscape, Releasing A Resource On Strategies For AACs To Push Their Harmful Agenda In The New Environment. “Marketing Shifts for Post-Roe America: The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and now states will decide how to allow or restrict abortion in their state. How should your pregnancy center respond?” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 6/12/23]

Choose Life Marketing Advises AACs On How To Optimize SEO To Appear Higher In Search Results As Pregnant People Search For Actual Reproductive Health Information Post-Roe. “Why Your SEO Matters Post-Roe: Did you know there were over 350,000 searches for the abortion pill the week after the SCOTUS decision? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is significant as we navigate Post-Roe America because more women than ever are online looking for information on abortion. Meet them with the answers they’re looking for with the right content and SEO strategy.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

Choose Life Marketing Instructs AACs On How To Use SEO To “Intercept Women” Traveling Interstate For Essential Reproductive Health Care Due To State Abortion Bans.

[“Why Your SEO Matters Post-Roe,” downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 7/3/23]

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Choose Life Marketing Has A National And Global Reach – Having Worked With AACs And Other Clients In All 50 U.S. States, As Well As Clients In Canada, Ireland, Taiwan And Australia

Choose Life Marketing Has A National And Global Reach. “We serve clients in all 50 United States as well as in Canada, Ireland, Taiwan, and Australia. To date, we have provided services for over 600 clients and counting.” [Choose Life Marketing, accessed 2/22/23]

One AAC Testified That They Used Choose Life Marketing To Transform Their Operations From “A Nice Little Ministry” To Be “On The Front Lines” By Amping Up Their Intentional Targeting Of Pregnant People. “True Care [Women’s Resource Center of Casper, Wyoming] also works with Choose Life Marketing to reach the organization’s target audience. […] Winship said she felt ‘really frustrated’ before discovering these effective tools. ‘We were doing a lot of good work, but were not accomplishing our mission,’ she said. ‘If our mission is to erase the perceived need for abortion and we’re mostly seeing carry to term patients, we’re not doing it.’ […] ‘As the leader of the organization, I now had a way I could communicate with donors and say, “Look, we are no longer going to be this nice little ministry down the street. We are on the front lines. We are going after these women intentionally – we know how to do it now.”’ Most young women use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Google; therefore, partnering with Choose Life Marketing reaches women searching online for abortion.” [National Right to Life News, 11/18/21]

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Google Made Approximately $10.2 Million From Anti-Abortion Center Ads In The Past Two Years, Including Ads Advised By Choose Life Marketing

Deceptive Advertisements Made By AACs Generate Millions In Revenue For Google. “Google is betraying the trust of hundreds of thousands of Americans seeking reproductive healthcare and services. Instead of providing accurate results to people who search for ‘abortion clinics near me’, Google is directing them straight towards those who wish only to delay and prevent their care using deceptive practices. […] This report reveals that fake clinics have spent a combined $10.2 million on search ads over the last two years. 71% of those clinics use deceptive means, such as advancing false claims that abortions are linked to cancer and other diseases. 38% of these clinics do not carry disclaimers on their homepage making it clear that they do not provide abortions. Among fake clinics with Google Search ads, 40% promote so-called abortion pill ‘reversal’ (APR) – an unproven and unsafe method for reversing a medical abortion.” [Center for Countering Digital Hate, 6/2023]

Choose Life Marketing Was Identified By The Center For Countering Digital Hate As An Agency That Helped Generate Revenue For Google. “Guides produced by Choose Life Marketing outline a deliberate strategy of targeting people who are already ‘abortion-minded’ or ‘abortion-determined’, presenting them with ads and search results for fake clinics that ‘meet [their] real needs’ […] In pursuit of their goal of targeting ‘abortion-minded’ people, Choose Life Marketing recommends a range of marketing tactics to help fake clinics to ‘show up alongside, or even above, abortion provider information’ […] Other advice from Choose Life Marketing is aimed at improving the ‘credibility’ of fake clinic websites, including ‘[citing] sources like the Mayo Clinic and FDA’ and using ‘pre-abortion screening language’ about ‘important tests and scans’. Referring to the latter tactic, Choose Life Marketing emphasizes that ‘this is part of being wise as serpents, harmless as doves’ in the design of fake clinic content.” [Center for Countering Digital Hate, 6/2023]

  • Center For Countering Digital Hate’s Report Stresses That Choose Life Marketing’s Deceptive Advertising Is Making It More Difficult For People To Find Legitimate Reproductive Health Care Providers And Information. “These new findings reflect the digital environment that now exists in a post-Dobbs America, where search engines are lifelines for those seeking care and information about their options – which are increasingly scarce. Google, as the dominant search engine, is therefore also the most effective way of intercepting those seeking reproductive healthcare advice and services. Studies show people have a high degree of trust in search engines, but they also struggle to differentiate organic results from paid-for ads. That’s why we’re seeing anti-choice groups investing so heavily in misleading digital advertising – and over twice as much in states where abortions are still legal. Such is the anti-choice lobby’s focus on online marketing that an entire industry of specialist consultants has emerged. In the words of one such agency, their mission is to help fake clinics become ‘wise as serpents, harmless as doves’.” [Center for Countering Digital Hate, 6/2023]

Between October 2021 And February 2023, Google Made Approximately $2.6 Million From Sites Promoting “Abortion Pill Reversal” – An Unsafe, Unproven And Unethical Treatment That Choose Life Marketing Advertises Using Paid Search Ads. “Previous research published by the Center for Countering Digital Hate in September 2021 found that ads for abortion ‘reversal’ appeared on 83% of Google searches for abortions. These ads could be seen by any user, regardless of their age, and sometimes carried deceptive headlines like ‘find abortion clinic near me’. In response to this evidence, Google stated that it would ‘remove any ads promoting abortion reversal pills’ and that it prohibits ads containing ‘unproven medical claims’. However, analysis conducted for this report shows that Google has accepted an estimated $2.6 million to run Google Search ads for fake clinic websites that promote abortion ‘reversal’ since it made this promise. The sum was spent by a total of 72 fake clinic websites that promote abortion ‘reversal’ and placed ads between October 2021 and February 2023.” [Center for Countering Digital Hate, 6/2023]

  • Choose Life Marketing Has A History Of Promoting “Abortion Pill Reversal” – In A January 2020 Post, CLM Encouraged AACs To Prioritize Promotion Of “Abortion Pill Reversal” On Their Websites.

[Choose Life Marketing, 1/28/2020]

  • In A December 2021 Post, Choose Life Marketing Advised AACs To Withhold Posting About “Abortion Pill Reversal” On Social Media Platforms, But Said It Still Advertises Abortion Pill Reversal On Google With Paid Search And That It Is “Developing And Testing Workarounds” To Continue To Advertise It. “[A]bortion pill reversal hasn’t been approved by the FDA. For now, we recommend withholding posting about it on social media platforms. We’ve had posts and ads marked as violations of community standards. If you get too many of these, the platform can suspend or shut down your account. We do continue to advertise abortion pill reversal on Google with paid search, though this still comes with similar risks. We’re developing and testing workarounds, and continuing to monitor this topic on an ongoing basis.” [Choose Life Marketing, 12/19/21]
  • Choose Life Marketing Self Reports That It Has Received Violations For Promoting “Abortion Pill Reversal,” As It Is A Dangerous Regimen Not Supported By The FDA.

[“What You Need To Know About Social Media Post Roe”, downloaded free marketing material from Choose Life Marketing, accessed 7/5/23]

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Choose Life Marketing Was Cited In A Congressional Investigation

Choose Life Marketing’s Extensive And Concerning Use Of Data Has Caught The Attention Of The U.S. House Committee On Oversight And Reform, Who Cited Them In Their Investigation Of The Sale Of Personal Data Of Pregnant People Seeking Abortions. “The Oversight Committee is investigating the collection and sale of sensitive personal data related to access to abortion and other reproductive health services. We are alarmed by recent reports that data broker companies, which aggregate consumer data from various sources, are selling the location data of individuals who have used these services, potentially allowing the misuse of this sensitive information to invade the privacy of those seeking reproductive health care. […] Sensitive location data has already been used to target individuals seeking abortions. In 2015, an advertising firm in Massachusetts used a tactic called ‘mobile geo-fencing,’ to target ‘abortion-minded’ patients sitting in Planned Parenthood clinics with advertisements for RealOptions, a network of crisis pregnancy centers in California, and Bethany Christian Services, an evangelical adoption agency. The firm claimed to have reached more than 800,000 18-to-24-year-old women with this tactic. Another anti-abortion marketing firm, Choose Life Marketing, suggested: ‘Be creative with your geofencing—you can set it up around … abortion clinics.’” [U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform, 7/7/22]

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Missouri’s Department Of Social Services Gave Choose Life Marketing $266,000 To Market The State’s Alternatives To Abortion Program

Choose Life Marketing Was Hired By Missouri’s Department of Social Services To Market Its Alternatives To Abortion Program – Which Uses Federal Temporary Assistance For Needy Families Dollars – And May Receive More Money In The Future. “Abortion is banned in Missouri, but Gov. Mike Parson’s administration is spending $266,000 on a social media campaign designed to steer women away from abortions. […] ‘The contractor shall provide digital marketing including social media content creation and web-based advertising for the state agency,’ the contract notes. The company is called Choose Life Marketing. It has done similar work in Arkansas, Florida and for at least one major anti-abortion group in Missouri. The contract could be in place for as long as four years. Next year, the company’s contract could grow to $275,000 annually, according to the state Legislature’s $50 billion budget proposal sitting on Parson’s desk. […] [D]espite abortion no longer being an option within the state’s borders, the new contract will try to steer women to clinics that seek to counsel them against undergoing the procedure.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/2/23]

  • Choose Life Marketing Was Hired By The State To Help AACs Be Seen By Pregnant People “When Such Agencies Are Blocked Or In Any Other Way Suppressed By Any Search Engine, Social Media Platform, Or Digital Advertising Network.” “A contract inked in April shows the Missouri Department of Social Services has hired a Columbia marketing firm that specializes in online advertising – and beating potential roadblocks erected by search engines – to help market the state’s Alternatives to Abortion program. […] As written into the spending plan approved by the Republican-controlled General Assembly in May, the money will pay ‘to help alternatives to abortion agencies reach pregnant women at risk for having abortions when such agencies are blocked or in any other way suppressed by any search engine, social media platform, or digital advertising network.’” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/2/23]
  • Choose Life Marketing Will Be Responsible For Advertising Missouri’s Alternatives To Abortion Program Across Social Media. “Work on tap, according to the contract, includes building a website that provides a searchable database of contractors for the state’s Alternatives to Abortion program. While that aspect of the program seems to apparently work based on the state’s website, the company also will roll out an advertising plan that will help the state market the program using various social media platforms. ‘The contractor shall create and develop advertisements promoting the Alternatives to Abortion Program services for production via video, internet video, or other viewable programming provided to be transmitted through various social media platforms,’ the contract notes.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/2/23]
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Anti-Abortion Senator Josh Hawley Filed A Public Complaint On Choose Life Marketing’s Behalf Attempting To Bolster Their Ad Presence On Google

Senator Josh Hawley Sent A Letter To Google CEO Sundar Pichai On Choose Life Marketing’s Behalf Attempting To Bolster Their Ad Presence On Google. “U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai demanding an explanation as to why ads placed by Live Action and Choose Life Marketing have seemingly been censored. Choose Life Marketing is a Missouri company that works with pregnancy resource centers throughout the country by developing and circulating online ads detailing women’s health services that the centers offer. Recently, while attempting to run ads for a client in the Washington, D.C. metro area, Choose Life Marketing realized that these ads were not running, even though Google designated them as eligible.” [Senator Josh Hawley, 9/15/21]

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Choose Life Marketing Provided Evaluations To AACs, Which Then Expressed Interest In Using State Funds To Work With Choose Life Marketing

After Meeting With Choose Life Marketing, A Number Of AACs Were Motivated To Apply For Missouri State Funds And Expressed They Would Use These Funds To Establish A Working Relationship. “Another marketing firm, based in Missouri, specializes in pregnancy resource centers and has a nationwide reach. Choose Life Marketing evaluated HopePlace Newport’s digital presence earlier this year and found it lacking, which motivated the center to apply for advertising funds in August, according to its application. Choose Life Marketing also evaluated HopePlace Monticello and Informed Choices Women’s Center of the Ozarks, according to their applications in the second round. Both centers, plus HopePlace Fordyce and New Beginnings Pregnancy Centers, wrote in their applications that they hope to work with Choose Life Marketing if they receive state funds.” [Arkansas Advocate, 12/12/22]

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Choose Life Marketing Runs Choose Life Promo To Sell Anti-Abortion Videos, Social Media Graphics And Billboards To AACs And Their Donors

Choose Life Promo Sells Pre-Made Anti-Abortion Media For Deceptive Advertising. “Your mission is defined. Your vision is solid. You feel called, but are you equipped to spread your message loud and clear to the right people? If not, we can help! Browse our selection of promotional and marketing materials to make sure the right people know about your pro-life organization to you can achieve maximum impact.” [Choose Life Promo, accessed 5/22/23]

  • One Pre-Made Reel Spreads Dangerous Disinformation About Reproductive Health Care And Mental Health. “Experts agree that women with depression have greater mental health problems caused by their abortion experience. Discuss your mental and emotional health with a specialist before choosing an abortion.” [Choose Life Promo, accessed 5/22/23]
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Choose Life Marketing Maintains An Active Social Media Presence With Tens Of Thousands Of Followers

Choose Life Marketing Is Active On Its Facebook Page, Which Has Nearly 20,000 Followers. [Facebook, accessed 2/22/23]

Choose Life Marketing Is Active On Its Instagram Page, Which Has Over 2,000 Followers. [Instagram, accessed 2/22/23]

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Choose Life Marketing Is A Privately Held Company Headquartered In Columbia, Missouri

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