Dangerous Rhetoric
The anti-abortion lobby is an interconnected network of organizations that spread inflammatory lies about abortion, birth control, sex, gender and sexuality.
Policy Makers
The anti-abortion lobby wields influence over policy makers, colluding to deny access to health care and deny human rights.
Restrictive Policies
Dangerous restrictions and actions coming from Congress, and statehouses across the country are influenced by the anti-abortion lobby and its misinformation.
The organizations colluding with our politicians.
Family Research Council
Family Research Council (FRC) is a recognized hate group which has been rewarded with incredible influence in the Trump administration for its anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion views.
Read MoreC-FAM
C-FAM serves as a personal platform for hate merchant Austin Ruse and is an advisor for the Trump administration's attacks on women's and LGBTQIA+ rights at the international level.
Read MoreHuman Coalition
Human Coalition is an anti-abortion group led by extremists with concerning views on abortion and gender. Human Coalition manipulates big data to target and discourage people from getting abortions and has abused state and federal funding to spread its religious beliefs.
Read MoreHeartbeat International
Heartbeat International is a Christian network of anti-abortion centers that seeks to eliminate abortion entirely. Heartbeat International was one of the first anti-abortion center networks in the U.S. and is now one of the world’s largest, with nearly 3,000 affiliates spreading anti-abortion misinformation across all six inhabited continents.
Read MoreFamily Watch International
Family Watch International is an Arizona-based organization that is anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+ and anti-comprehensive sex education—all under the guise of supporting what it calls “family values.” The organization works both domestically and internationally, with its strongest presence at the United Nations (UN), where it co-founded and chairs the UN Family Rights Caucus.
Read MoreNational Institute of Family and Life Advocates
The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) is an anti-abortion organization that provides legal counsel and defense to its over 1,400 affiliate anti-abortion centers across the U.S. NIFLA is perhaps most known for bringing the case NIFLA v. Becerra (2018) to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Read MoreLive Action
Live Action is an anti-abortion extremist organization that seeks to eliminate abortion entirely, most notably through its heavily edited “exposés” of abortion providers, especially targeting Planned Parenthood, which it shares with its with nearly five million followers across social media platforms.
Read MoreOperation Rescue
Operation Rescue is an anti-abortion Christian extremist organization known for its confrontational tactics blockading and harassing abortion clinics, as well as for targeting individual abortion seekers and abortion providers.
Read MoreCare Net
Care Net is one of the world’s largest anti-abortion organizations, seeking to end abortion through its international network of over 1,200 anti-abortion centers (AACs). Care Net works closely with other anti-abortion organizations and other AAC networks to proliferate the spread of AACs worldwide.
Read MoreAlliance for Hippocratic Medicine
Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine is a membership-based umbrella organization of anti-abortion medical groups newly created to influence court cases on abortion.
Read MoreAmerican College of Pediatricians
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a national anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ Christian organization comprised of medical providers dedicated to reducing access to abortion, specifically for teenagers, and advocating anti-LGBTQIA+ policies.
Read MoreEarn While You Learn
Earn While You Learn is an anti-abortion organization that creates and disseminates curricula to be used by anti-abortion centers (AACs) nationwide. It claims its materials are used by more than 700 AACs across the U.S. — or about one-third of known AACs.
Read MoreNext Level Center Management Solution
Next Level Center Management Solution is a data management company and offshoot of the massive AAC network Heartbeat International. Serious concerns exist surrounding the lack of enforceable data privacy at Next Level CMS, especially in a post-Roe world.
Read MoreEnfoque a la Familia
Enfoque a la Familia is the Latin American regional branch of the U.S.-based extremist right-wing fundamentalist Christian organization Focus on the Family. FOTF uses its massive machine to fund and export its anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-comprehensive sex education agenda across Latin America.
Read MoreCentros de Ayuda para la Mujer Latinoamericana (CAMs)
Centros de Ayuda para la Mujer Latinoamericana (CAMs) are a network of extremist anti-abortion centers (AACs) across Latin America. They are deeply tied to and receive funding from massive AAC networks Heartbeat International and Human Life International, both of which helped replicate the U.S. AAC strategy across the region through CAMs.
Read MoreVida y Familia (VIFAC)
VIFAC is an influential anti-abortion organization that has operated both anti-abortion centers and maternity homes in Mexico for almost four decades. It deters pregnant people from abortion and then houses them through birth—and then steers these often low-income, new parents toward giving up their babies for adoption. VIFAC recently expanded its operations to the United States, opening a center in Texas.
Read MoreGlobal Center for Human Rights
Global Center for Human Rights is a relatively new and relatively small organization pushing for anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ policies throughout Latin America. Despite its newness and small size, it is run by prominent anti-abortion activists Sebastian Schuff and Neydy Casillas, giving it outsize political influence.
Read MoreThomas More Society
Thomas More Society is a public interest law firm that works to erode human rights through litigation with a focus on representing anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ clients. Additionally, Thomas More Society drafts model legislation in an effort to form a theocracy rooted in conservative, Christian ideals.
Read MoreThe Federalist Society
The Federalist Society is a conservative legal organization responsible for overtaking the United States’ federal judiciary. It originated to influence legal decisions, and thereby culture, through stacking the courts in its favor. Federalist Society members have written dangerous decisions eroding abortion rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, and other human rights.
Read MoreVeritas Society
The Veritas Society is the anti-abortion marketing and advertising project of the 501(c)(3) Wisconsin Right to Life Education Fund, a wing of the 501(c)(4) Wisconsin Right to Life. It produces anti-abortion content for TV, radio, and digital advertising in the state. The group engages in concerning digital tracking tactics and is well-connected in Wisconsin politics.
Read MorePolitical Network for Values (PNfV)
Founded in 2014, the Political Network for Values (PNfV) is a global coalition of legislators that promotes Christian right values at the domestic, regional, and international levels. The coalition opposes reproductive and LGBTQIA+ rights and strongly defends religious freedom, conscientious objection, and the Christian notion of family. PNfV has strong links to far-right organizations in Spain, Hungary, Mexico, and the United States.
Read MoreConcerned Women for America (CWA)
Concerned Women for America (CWA) is an Evangelical non-profit that strongly opposes abortion, women's rights, and LGBTQIA+ rights in the United States. The organization was originally founded to fight against the Equal Rights Amendment, but its recent work has mainly focused on opposing abortion, LGBTQIA+ marriage, and transgender rights. CWA has significant influence over U.S. democratic institutions, lobbying at both the national and state levels through a grassroots model. CWA has recently begun working with other anti-abortion organizations to co-sponsor training events in Mexico
Read MoreWorld Congress of Families
World Congress of Families (WCF), formed in 1997, is a U.S.-based organization that maintains an international coalition to promote extremist tenets of the Christian far right. It was created by and is coordinated by the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society. WCF opposes marriage equality, abortion, and pornography and promotes the so-called "natural family doctrine" that has been used to curtail reproductive and LGBTQIA+ rights across the world. WCF has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.
Read MoreBecket
Becket is a powerful anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+ public interest law firm in Washington, D.C., working within a complex ecosystem of religious rights firms and legal advocacy groups.
Read MoreJudicial Crisis Network (AKA The Concord Fund)
The Judicial Crisis Network is a dark money conservative advocacy organization that donates large amounts to conservative and anti-abortion groups. It originated to promote the appointments of conservative judges and to oppose the confirmation of liberal judges.
Read MoreAmerican Center for Law and Justice
The American Center for Law and Justice is a right-wing legal organization that weaponizes religious rhetoric to promote its conservative Christian agenda both in the United States and other countries. It has connections to both President Donald Trump and Project 2025.
Read MoreAmericans United for Life
Americans United for Life (AUL) is the anti-abortion lobby’s legal and policy engine, flooding state legislatures with draconian model bills via its “pro-life playbook” and using state, federal and international courts to fight against reproductive rights. AUL ultimately aims to ban abortion via a constitutional amendment.
Read MoreAlliance Defending Freedom
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is one of the most influential right-wing groups in the United States. ADF legally launders discrimination behind the rhetoric of “religious freedom” to restrict the rights of marginalized people — causing it to be classified as a hate group.
Read MoreThe Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation brands itself as a beacon of the intellectual conservative establishment. In reality, the think tank serves as a pipeline of hate to the Trump administration, dedicating significant energy to extremist policy recommendations to deny access to abortion and birth control and to harm LGBTQ people.
Read MoreCharlotte Lozier Institute
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is the “research and education” arm of Susan B. Anthony List. CLI pushes alarmist narratives about women who need abortions later in pregnancy, publishes annual reports applauding state-level abortion restrictions, spreads lies about research that relies on fetal tissue and advocates for deceptive anti-abortion centers.
Read MoreSusan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, formerly known as Susan B. Anthony List, is one of the most influential anti-abortion groups in Washington and had close ties to both former President Trump and former Vice President Pence. This group works on the federal and state levels to push its anti-abortion agenda and elect anti-abortion legislators.
Read MoreNational Right To Life Committee
National Right To Life Committee is one of the oldest and most powerful anti-abortion groups in the country. NRLC uses its expansive network of local chapters and significant federal clout to swing the law and public opinion towards anti-abortion viewpoints — even if it means employing disinformation.
Read MoreMarch For Life
March For Life hosts the largest gathering of anti-abortion advocates in the United States and often uses its influential platform to promote violent extremists. M4L has used its platform to influence federal policy and inspire copycat marches in 20 nations worldwide.
Read MoreStudents For Life Of America
Students for Life of America exists to indoctrinate children and young adults into anti-abortion extremism “during their crucial developmental years.” SFLA’s efforts raised its profile as one of the most important anti-abortion groups today, earning its leaders a meeting with the Trump White House.
Read MoreAmerican Association Of Pro-Life Obstetricians And Gynecologists
AAPLOG uses its members’ medical certifications to push medically inaccurate information in support of anti-abortion policy.
Read MoreReal Alternatives
Real Alternatives is a predominantly taxpayer-funded anti-abortion organization based in Pennsylvania that distributes funds to anti-abortion centers. RA also operates a website that promotes inaccurate, outrageous information about pregnancy, birth control and sex. Real Alternatives is embroiled in scandal after skimming off a portion of state funds for its own corporate benefit.
Read MoreHuman Life International
Human Life International (HLI) is a U.S.-based international anti-abortion group that works to harm and imprison women around the world for their reproductive health decisions. HLI has also been accused of violating its non-profit status by participating in election-related activities.
Read MoreObria
Obria, formerly known as Birth Choice, is a conglomerate of anti-abortion centers that touts its services as “women’s health” and received Title X family planning funds in 2019. In practice, however, Obria does not provide any form of birth control, spouts anti-abortion views and continues to provide medically unproven, dangerous procedures.
Read MorePriests For Life
Priests For Life became well known for its protests using graphic images and advocating for and inciting violence against abortion providers. The group has become increasingly dominant in electoral and legislative arenas in the last decade, asserting its extremism into laws and policy.
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