Next Level Center Management Solution

Next Level Center Management Solution is a data management company and offshoot of the massive AAC network Heartbeat International. Serious concerns exist surrounding the lack of enforceable data privacy at Next Level CMS, especially in a post-Roe world.

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Next Level Center Management Solution (Next Level CMS) is a data management company that operates to gather data from anti-abortion centers (AACs) and then streamline, integrate, and share that data with other AACs globally and then streamline, integrate, and share that data with other AACs globally or broadcast this data to “stakeholders” in the anti-abortion movement.

Next Level CMS is an offshoot of the massive global AAC network Heartbeat International. Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey announced the formation of Next Level CMS at Heartbeat’s annual conference in 2017, calling it a “game changer” in the global anti-abortion movement. Connecting AACs across the world to each other and enabling them to share data, trends, and practices, Next Level CMS is an explicit manifestation of how the anti-abortion movement is a well-funded, highly coordinated global movement, rather than a grassroots movement of people genuinely concerned about real pregnancy care.

There are serious concerns about data privacy – or lack thereof – in the data that Next Level CMS collects and disseminates. Next Level CMS collects a large amount of private health information from individuals, including sensitive data like “name, address […] living arrangement […] income source, alcohol, cigarette, and drug intake, medications, medical history, sexual transmitted disease history, name of the referring person/organisation […] pregnancy history, medical testing information,” and more. 

Because most AACs are not licensed medical providers, most AACs are not covered by HIPAA in a meaningful or enforceable way, even if they pretend to be. Accordingly, there is nothing preventing AACs from using Next Level CMS to share private health information about pregnant people without their knowledge or consent. Non-consensual sharing of information is concerning and dangerous, especially so in a post-Roe landscape. This information could potentially be weaponized against pregnant people or those who support them in seeking abortion care in places where it is increasingly criminalized. 

The data privacy surrounding Next Level has prompted congressional inquiry and has even been raised at the United Nations. With the backing of the massively well-funded Heartbeat International, Next Level CMS should be taken as a serious privacy threat in our current landscape of anti-abortion actors.


Next Level CMS Illustrates How Interconnected And Resourced Anti-Abortion Centers Are, Despite Trying To Portray Themselves As Small Mom-And-Pop Shops

Next Level CMS Was Developed Explicitly To Facilitate Linkage Among The Massive International Network Of AACs. “Godsey and his team designed Next Level with the goal of gathering the information tracked at over 5,000 pregnancy help locations throughout the world, including more than 2,600 in the U.S. Currently the effectiveness of services offered at pregnancy centers and ultrasound-equipped medical clinics is limited to the local level, keeping larger trends from emerging and life-affirming ministries from taking advantage of a wider knowledge base. Next Level, Godsey says, is a major step forward to solving that problem. ‘Our life-saving, community-renewing work is too important to rely upon individual anecdotes and localized solutions,’ Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey said. ‘We know pregnancy help organizations all over the world are doing incredible work, and now is the time to pool our information in a way that powers our movement forward in to a new day of effective care.’” [Pregnancy Help News, 4/23/17]

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Next Level CMS “Stakeholders” Have Access To Reproductive Health And Other Sensitive Data

Undefined “Stakeholders” Have Access to Next Level CMS Data. “Next Level also provides a dashboard displaying crucial information for directors, board members, and other key stakeholders. Know it now. No more waiting for data entry to catch up. We’ve cut out that step. As soon as you wrap up each visit with a client, your data is ready to report and analyze, so you and your stakeholders will always have access to the latest on what’s happening at your center.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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Next Level CMS Highlights Their Ability To Use TeleCare, Despite Decrying The Delivery of Abortion Care Via Virtual Care

Next Level CMS Uses TeleCare, A Virtual Platform, For Appointments, Despite AACs Decrying Abortion And Other Pregnancy Care Being Provided Virtually. “Inclement weather? Client can’t come into the Center for their counseling session? No problem! Next Level TeleCare has you covered. TeleCare is the next best thing to sitting in the same room with your client.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

Next Level CMS Claims Their Virtual Appointments Are Secure And Protected By HIPAA, However; Most AACs Are Not Licensed Medical Provides, And Thus, Not Protected By HIPAA. “Worried about privacy while using Zoom, GoToMeeting, or Microsoft Teams? Stop worrying because TeleCare is built right into Next Level. TeleCare is secure and HIPAA compliant and you don’t have to use third-party software to conduct face-to-face meeting with your clients or staff.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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Next Level Collects People’s Private Health Information

Next Level CMS Collects A Massive Amount Of Personal Information, Which Is Not Protected Under HIPAA, Due To Lacking Medical Licensing, And Thus Potentially Incriminating In A Post-Roe World. “The types of data that is collected, which is visible in a promotional video on Next Level’s website, includes name, address, email address, ethnicity, marital status, living arrangement, education, income source, alcohol, cigarette, and drug intake, medications, medical history, sexual transmitted disease history, name of the referring person/organisation, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy history, medical testing information, and eventually ultrasound photos.” [Privacy International, 2/24/20]

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Next Level CMS Alleges Compliance With HIPAA, But There Is No Way To Ensure Safety For Those Whose Data Has Been Captured By Heartbeat International

Next Level’s Self-Alleged Compliance To HIPAA Is Questionable. “How are clients’ private health information (PHI) protected? Next Level provides encrypted end-to-end communication between your Center and clients and no data is stored at the local level on external devices, making our software compliant with these HIPAA standards. We recommend that your Center familiarizes itself with HIPAA guidelines and takes the appropriate actions to comply with those guidelines.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

Next Level’s Mobile App, MyHelpLink, Saves Encrypted Texts To An Internally Managed Client Record. “Next Level provides end-to-end encrypted messaging between your Center and clients. All of these messages are saved to the client record, but not on the client’s mobile device, making Next Level compliant with HIPAA. Secure messaging requires the client to use Next Level’s mobile web-app, MyHelpLink.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

[Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

…Yet Next Level Voluntarily Opts Into Business Associate Agreements With AACs. “Is a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) available? HIPAA regulations define a ‘business associate’ as ‘a person or entity that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information on behalf of, or provides services to, a covered entity.’ As such, Next Level can enter into a (Heartbeat International provided) business associate agreement (BAA) with your pregnancy help organization, if applicable. Ensuring your clients’ private health information (PHI) is of utmost importance for Next Level, and we are committed to working with your organization to meet this crucial goal.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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It Is Difficult To Ensure The Safety Of People’s Personal Data Obtained By Next-Level Management

Because Most AACs Are Not Licensed Medical Providers, Most Are Not Covered By HIPAA In A Meaningful Or Enforceable Way. “While many anti-abortion center sites claim to keep data confidential, there is no oversight binding them to these assurances. Thrive Women’s Clinic, an anti-abortion center in Texas, has a privacy policy that openly says they reserve the right to disclose information to help law enforcement officials. Centers also incessantly call former clients to keep tabs on them, which raises similar concerns.” [Prism, 8/24/22]

Heartbeat International, The Parent Company Of Next Level CMS, Maintains A Clause Allowing Them To Share Private Health Information “When It Advances The Mission of Heartbeat International.” “‘When you enter into an agreement with Heartbeat International and you give them your information, there’s a clause that basically says “we won’t share your information, except when it advances the mission of Heartbeat International.” OK, so what does that mean?’ asks Mailman. ‘Part of Heartbeat International’s mission is to end abortion. So does that mean if Heartbeat International gets a client who has recently had an abortion in a state like Texas, does it advance their mission to release this person’s information?’” [Women’s Media Center, 12/15/21]

  • Next Level CMS Says (In Fine Print) That They Are Allowed To Share Their Dossiers Of Private Health Information With “Affiliates, Partners, Vendors, Or Contract Organizations.” “According to their privacy policy, Next Level can then share those dossiers ‘with Next Level affiliates, partners, vendors, or contract organizations,’ or as legally necessary,’ thus allowing their parties to access and use data in ways the user did not consent to.” [Medium, 8/13/20]

Heartbeat International Markets Next Level CMS As A Way To Integrate And Share Data Among The Whole AAC Movement – While Also Pretending To Care About Data Privacy. “Heartbeat’s privacy policies do not currently detail how the information collected by the system is collected, shared, stored, or deleted, and do not currently detail how the information of those based outside of the US is shared with Heartbeat International. However, the way the system is marketed raises serious concerns about how the organisation and affiliates are treating people’s private information. Next Level markets the software as a system that ‘[m]akes seamless data collection possible for pregnancy centres.’ They say that it ‘allows information to move from the receptionist to the client, from the client to the coach or mentor, and from the mentor to the nurse’s office,’ and visualise the system as data streams flowing from individual pregnancy centres to a centralised cloud.” [Privacy International, 2/24/20]

  • Next Level CMS Appears To Share Data With the Software eKYROS, Which Is Also Used to Link AACs Globally. “‘eKYROS links CPCs to centralized call centers run by [Heartbeat International] and Care Net (another major anti-abortion group steering the CPC industry) that also feed client data into a central database,’ McKenna said. By calling the support lines, speaking to a chatbot that connects to Next Level Center Management, filling out an online form that might include questions about seeking abortion care, or exchanging information in person, clients unwittingly feed anti-abortion centers data they can hoard. People don’t even have to enter the clinic.” [Prism, 8/24/22]
  • Heartbeat International’s Anti-Abortion Hotline, Option Line, Shares Data With Next Level CMS. “Heartbeat International should be prevented from deploying and promoting Next Level CMS and Option Line until, at a minimum, it provides information about how it collects and uses people’s personal information.” [Privacy International, 2/24/20]
  • Option Line Might Even Be Integrated Right Into Next Level CMS, Without Patient Knowledge or Consent. “Heartbeat has also developed a data intensive chat service called Option Line, which appears to integrate into the Next Level system without telling those who interact with the chat service that their data may be collected or stored in this way, or that Heartbeat International may have access to their information.” [Privacy International, 2/24/20]

Next Level CMS Says (In Fine Print) That They Are Allowed to Share Their Dossiers of Private Health Information With “Affiliates, Partners, Vendors, or Contract Organizations.” “According to their privacy policy, Next Level can then share those dossiers ‘with Next Level affiliates, partners, vendors, or contract organizations,’ or as legally necessary,’ thus allowing their parties to access and use data in ways the user did not consent to.” [Medium, 8/13/20]

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Key Players


Jor-El Godsey

Jor-El Godsey is the current President of AAC network Heartbeat International, the parent organization of Next Level CMS. Godsey announced the formation of Next Level CMS at Heartbeat’s annual conference in 2017, calling it a “game-changer” in the global anti-abortion movement. Godsey has a lengthy history in the AAC movement, volunteering and later working at and leading a number of AACs in Florida and Colorado. Godsey has been the President of Heartbeat International when he took over from Heartbeat International founder Peggy Hartshorn.

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Heartbeat International

Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey Announced the Formation of Next Level CMS as an Offshoot of Heartbeat International at its Annual Conference in 2017. “Calling it a ‘game-changer’ in the worldwide life-affirming effort, Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey unveiled a new pregnancy center management system, Next Level CMS, April 20 at Heartbeat International’s 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago.” [Pregnancy Help News, 4/23/17]

Next Level CMS is “Powered by Heartbeat International,” Giving It Reach to the Global Network’s More Than 3,000 AACs. “Powered by Heartbeat International, which was called into existence by the pregnancy help community in 1971 and serves over 3,000 locations worldwide, Next Level exists to provide the tools Centers need to serve their clients and communities. Next Level CMS’s tablet-based, mobile-centric design gives Center staff a cutting-edge tool to make sure that no client ever falls through the cracks from the moment you say ‘Hello.’ Let our team take you to the Next Level today!” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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As A Project Of The AAC Giant Heartbeat International, Next Level Is Available To More Than 3,000 AACs

Next Level CMS Is “Powered by Heartbeat International,” Giving It Reach To The Global Network’s More Than 3,000 AACs. “Powered by Heartbeat International, which was called into existence by the pregnancy help community in 1971 and serves over 3,000 locations worldwide, Next Level exists to provide the tools Centers need to serve their clients and communities. Next Level CMS’s tablet-based, mobile-centric design gives Center staff a cutting-edge tool to make sure that no client ever falls through the cracks from the moment you say ‘Hello.’ Let our team take you to the Next Level today!” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

Undefined “Stakeholders” Have Access To Next Level CMS Data. “Next Level also provides a dashboard displaying crucial information for directors, board members, and other key stakeholders. Know it now. No more waiting for data entry to catch up. We’ve cut out that step. As soon as you wrap up each visit with a client, your data is ready to report and analyze, so you and your stakeholders will always have access to the latest on what’s happening at your center.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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Concerns About Next Level’s Privacy (Or Lack Thereof) – Especially In The Post-Roe World – Prompted A Congressional Inquiry

Seven U.S. Senators Penned A Letter Prompting A Congressional Inquiry Into The Protection Of Private Health Information, With Next Level CMS As A Central Cause For Concern. “Heartbeat International explicitly states that its vision ‘is to make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.’ To accomplish that goal, it invested in data collection and in 2017 created a database called the ‘Next Level [Center] Management Solution’ (Next Level CMS) to keep track of people that contact Heartbeat International or any affiliate CPCs. Next Level CMS’ website states that it ‘harnesses the power of big data’ to ‘[make] sure that no client ever falls through the cracks from the moment you say “Hello.”’ […] Next Level CMS is a one-stop shop for storing that data, and you promote services such as a Client Risk Tracker, which ‘keep[s] [CPCs] up to speed on each individual woman’s anticipated risk level’ for obtaining an abortion. […] Patient data privacy has become a significant concern in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, with advocates worried that, in state that have banned or severely restricted abortion, ‘the CPC industry is now functioning as surveillance infrastructure for the anti-abortion movement, amassing data that could be used in pregnancy- and abortion-related prosecutions post-Roe.’” [Senator Elizabeth Warren, 9/19/22]

These Senators Noted The Lacking HIPAA Enforcement For AACs Since They Are Not Licensed Medical Providers. “Because your organization and its affiliate CPCs are not legitimate medical providers, they are not subject to federal health data privacy laws like HIPAA, which protects ‘sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.’ Heartbeat International – which is explicitly opposed to abortion rights – appears to be in a position to collect a significant amount of personal information from women about their pregnancies and potential plans for managing their care, but it is not under any legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality of this information, or keep it out of the hands of abortion bounty hunters.” [Senator Elizabeth Warren, 9/19/22]

  • The Inquiry Noted How AACs Even Use Tactics Meant To Mimic HIPAA Compliance And Protection, While They Actually Mean Nothing. “While your organization and many of its affiliate CPCs claim to adhere to HIPAA to protect patients’ health information, it does not disclose how it is using the data it collects, whether it is keeping personal information secure, and whether it intends to do so in the future. Heartbeat International promotes websites that have inaccurate claims, including that CPCs ‘use intake forms as a type of confidentiality agreements, which grants the woman confidentiality protections like she would receive under HIPAA. In other words, they “resemble” HIPAA forms because they act like HIPAA forms.’ But these forms do not offer the same protections as HIPAA. This is deeply concerning, especially as recent reports by privacy experts have highlighted the threats posed by abortion bounty hunter laws and emphasized that ‘pregnant people’s digital lives will be under the microscope.’” [Senator Elizabeth Warren, 9/19/22]

In Response To This Inquiry, Next Level CMS’s Parent Organization, Heartbeat International, Claimed The Letter Was Religious Targeting – Doubling Down On The Fact They Are Not Real Medical Providers, But Rather Religious Proselytizers. “First Liberty questioned whether Warren and the other senators had legal authorization to investigate Heartbeat as a private, religious non-profit, or to compel Heartbeat to answer their questions. ‘Rather, your letter appears to be an unwarranted effort to investigate a private organization which holds to a religious and ideological opinion with which you disagree,’ the legal group said.” [Pregnancy Help News, 10/6/22]

  • Heartbeat International Responded By Flippantly Dismissing The Inquiry’s Privacy Concerns. “[T]his letter is nothing more than a political stunt. […] Thank you, Senators, for this PR opportunity.” [Heartbeat International, accessed 4/23/24

Heartbeat International Was Audited By The Private Organization Modern Compliance Solutions; However, Third-Party HIPAA Seals Of Compliance Are Not Conferred By The U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services And Are Not Legally Binding In Any Way.

[HIPAA One, accessed 4/23/24]

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At Least Two Organizations Are Known To Have Access to Next Level Data

Next Level CMS Appears To Share Data With The Software eKYROS, Which Is Also Used To Link AACs Globally. “‘eKYROS links CPCs to centralized call centers run by [Heartbeat International] and Care Net (another major anti-abortion group steering the CPC industry) that also feed client data into a central database,’ McKenna said. By calling the support lines, speaking to a chatbot that connects to Next Level Center Management, filling out an online form that might include questions about seeking abortion care, or exchanging information in person, clients unwittingly feed anti-abortion centers data they can hoard. People don’t even have to enter the clinic.” [Prism, 8/24/22]

Heartbeat International’s 24/7 Anti-Abortion Hotline, Option Line, Appears To Share Data With Next Level CMS Without People’s Knowledge Or Consent. “Heartbeat has also developed a data intensive chat service called Option Line, which appears to integrate into the Next Level system without telling those who interact with the chat service that their data may be collected or stored in this way, or that Heartbeat International may have access to their information. […] Heartbeat International should be prevented from deploying and promoting Next Level CMS and Option Line until, at a minimum, it provides information about how it collects and uses people’s personal information.” [Privacy International, 2/24/20]

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Next Level CMS Highlights Their Ability To Use TeleCare, Despite Decrying Virtual Abortion Care Options

Next Level CMS Uses TeleCare, A Virtual Platform, For Appointments, Despite AACs Decrying Abortion And Other Pregnancy Care Being Provided Virtually. “Inclement weather? Client can’t come into the Center for their counseling session? No problem! Next Level TeleCare has you covered. TeleCare is the next best thing to sitting in the same room with your client.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

Next Level CMS Claims Their Virtual Appointments Are Secure And Protected By HIPAA… “Worried about privacy while using Zoom, GoToMeeting, or Microsoft Teams? Stop worrying because TeleCare is built right into Next Level. TeleCare is secure and HIPAA compliant and you don’t have to use third-party software to conduct face-to-face meeting with your clients or staff.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

  • …However, Most AACs Are Not Licensed Medical Provides, And Thus, Are Not Protected By HIPAA. “Unlike data gathered at real medical clinics, client information collected by pregnancy centers is mostly unregulated by federal law. The centers are not generally subject to federal privacy laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which governs health care settings. […] In reviewing more than two dozen pregnancy-center privacy disclosures, TIME found that many reference HIPAA and assure broad data privacy. But most of the time, such promises are legally toothless since HIPAA does not apply.” [Time, 6/22/22]
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Next Level Publishes All Of Its Work In Both English And Spanish, Greatly Expanding Its Reach

All Next Level CMS Material Is Available In Both English And Spanish, Greatly Expanding Its Reach. “Next Level is multilingual. Many of our Centers serve large Hispanic communities. Naturally, the first language implemented is Spanish. More languages to follow. This means that every client-facing form is in Spanish. Multilingualism strengthens the client experience and earns the client’s trust and authenticity with your center.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

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Next Level CMS Offers An Integration Intuit’s QuickBooks, Who Declined To Comment On Their Relationship

Next Level CMS Offers An Integration With Massive Accounting Software QuickBooks. “Heartbeat International, an Ohio-based organization that runs thousands of anti-abortion clinics around the country and globally, offers a software called Next Level Center Management Solution. It costs $100 a month to hold more than 20,000 names of women who visit a center. It helps centers keep in touch over emails and phone calls, or track donations to the center. It offers integration with QuickBooks, accounting software from Intuit, which did not comment.” [Bloomberg, 6/27/22]

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As An Offshoot Of Heartbeat International, Next Level CMS Presumably Receives Some Level Of Funding From Its Extremely Well-Funded Parent Organization

Heartbeat International Is Incorporated In Ohio As A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, With Revenue Of $9,754,794, Expenses Of $10,040,245, And Net Assets Of $1,865,066, According To Its 2023 Form 990.

[Heartbeat International 2023 Form 990, filed 5/3/24]

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Next Level Receives Some Portion Of Their Funding From Paid Subscriptions For Their Services

Next Level CMS Receives Some Amount Of Their Funds From User Subscription Costs. “Next Level is purchased as a monthly or annual subscription at the following price points (tiers). These tiers are based on the total number of unique client, donor, and staff name records in the Next Level database. Each of these unique names have unlimited entries such as forms, notes, and documents associated with them at no additional cost. There is a one-time $150 start up fee when onboarding with Next Level.” [Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 4/23/24]

[Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 9/24/24]

[Next Level Center Management Solution, accessed 9/24/24]

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