Global Center for Human Rights

Global Center for Human Rights is a relatively new and relatively small organization pushing for anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ policies throughout Latin America. Despite its newness and small size, it is run by prominent anti-abortion activists Sebastian Schuff and Neydy Casillas, giving it outsize political influence.

Summary Extremism Key Players Influence Financial Related Orgs


Global Center for Human Rights (GCHR) is an anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ organization that works to promote anti-rights ideologies and actors across Latin America. Detailed information and data about the organization are obtuse and hard to come by, however, it appears that GCHR is both relatively new and small in operational size. For all intents and purposes, it seems that GCHR was incorporated in Washington, D.C. in September 2021, and started to land impact and influence in the Fall of 2022. GCHR supposedly maintains offices in Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina, as well.

Its staff appears to be a small team of four, however, its small staff shouldn’t be mistaken for small impact. GCHR is headed by Sebastien Schuff, and its VP of International Affairs is Neydy Casillas. This pair – who are married to each other – are incredibly powerful and influential actors in the anti-abortion and anti-rights spaces. Schuff founded anti-abortion groups Frente Joven and Prodeci in his native Argentina, while Casillas previously served as Senior Legal Counsel at ADF International and VP of International Affairs at Concerned Women for America. Casillas is generally considered one of the most influential players in Latin American anti-abortion politics and is a major link between the region’s movements and US-based anti-abortion movements. This pair recently was the subject of the viral “We Will Adopt Your Baby” meme after the fall of Roe vs. Wade in the U.S.

In GCHR’s limited existence, their main point of influence so far has been a study they published on funding sources for the IACHR and the Inter-American Court. This study seeks to point fingers at non-OAS countries and/or organizations for funding the regional organizations, launching claims of lacking transparency and “ideological colonialism.” Considering that GCHR is based in Washington, D.C., and seeks to impose its own ideological vision on countries throughout the region, its criticisms are quite hypocritical. However, given Schuff’s and Casillas’s connections, influence, and media savvy, this study and its framings have been picked up by right-wing media and politicians across the region.

Outside of influencing regional conversations and narratives, GCHR’s main stated purposes are “strategy, training, and advocacy.” They seek to uplift their anti-rights agenda throughout Latin America through research, legislative/electoral training, and legal advocacy/litigation.


GCHR VP of International Affairs Neydy Casillas Has Referred to the Expansion of Rights and Protections for Individuals as a “New Form of Dictatorship”

Neydy Casillas Has Referred to Expanded Rights and Protections for Abortion and LGBTQ+ Individuals as a “New Form of Dictatorship.” “¿Cuál es el panorama internacional entorno a las leyes que promueven el aborto y los múltiples derechos homosexuales? [Casillas:] A nivel internacional está la tendencia por fomentar estas nuevas leyes que ahora protegen los deseos de estas personas. Es una crisis. Se están utilizando a las organizaciones internacionales para presionar a los países, especialmente a Latinoamérica, porque aquí hay gente que todavía tiene valores. Para mí es una nueva forma de dictadura.” [Actuall, 1/1/16]

Casillas Lobbied the Organization of American States To Not Adopt a Convention Against Racism and Homophobia. “Neydy Casillas Padron, ADF’s legal advisor to Latin America, is also their permanente representative to the OAS. While Delegates were debating ratifying the Convention Against Racism during the 2013 OAS Guatemala meeting, Casillas Padron, an aggressive advocate, was reportedly lobbying delegates not to sign, claiming the Convention would violate their religious freedom because it ‘treats homosexuals like VIPs, and relegates the rest of us to second class citizenship.” [Political Research Associates, 7/13/15]

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Key Players


Sebastian Schuff

Sebastian Schuff is a prolific anti-abortion activist who currently serves as President of the Global Center for Human Rights. Before leading GCHR, Schuff founded two anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ organizations in his home country of Argentina: Frente Joven and Prodeci. Schuff also has connections to Argentinian political life, as he worked for the Federal Public Defenders Office and was a Congressional Staffer. Schuff is very media savvy, and regularly offers interviews and presentations in order to spread his anti-rights movement, including presenting at the 2022 OAS Summit in Lima, Peru, where he discussed GCHR’s study on funding sources for IACHR and the Inter-American Court. Schuff is based in Washington, D.C., where he lives with his wife and GCHR VP Neydy Casillas.

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VP for International Affairs

Neydy Casillas

Originally from Mexico, and now based in Washington, D.C. Casillas currently serves as Vice President for International Affairs for GCHR. A prominent figure in the anti-abortion movements in both the U.S. and throughout the Latin American region, Casillas is also the VP of International Affairs for anti-abortion group Concerned Women for America.

Casillas has been instrumental in expanding CWA’s influence to Latin America in general, and Mexico in particular. Indeed, in July 2021—only three months after Casillas joined the staff—CWA announced that the organization would be “co-hosting [their] first international event in Mexico City to support government officials in protecting their national laws.” The audience included members of the Mexican Legislature, including Representative Laura Barrera Fortoul and Representative César Agustín Hernández Pérez. While there is no information on next steps, the fact that the forum was advertised as the “first” international event in Mexico suggests that Neydy Casillas will continue to pursue CWA’s anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ rights in the country.


Casillas previously served as a Senior Legal Counsel at noted hate group ADF International. She was the visible face of ADF at both UN New York and the Organization of American States, where she pushed anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQIA+ ideologies before the Inter-American Court and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Casillas has claimed that the expansion of rights by courts and international organizations are “a new form of dictatorship.”

Casillas is married to GCHR President Sebastian Schuff.

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VP for Political Affairs

Manuel Acosta

Manuel Acosta is VP for Political Affairs at GCHR. Originally from Mexico, where he is a lawyer from the University of Hermosillo, Acosto was previously elected as a Deputy in Mexico’s Congress. In 2012, former President Enrique Pena Nieto named Acosta Director General of the National Agrarian Registry, and in 2015 he was elected mayor of Hermosillo, Sonora. After his term as Mayor, Acosta was then president of the National Federation of Mexican Municipalities. Given these positions, Acosta is a highly connected and influential individual in Mexican federal and municipal politics.

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Political Network for Values

PNfV Has Promoted GCHR Events On Its Facebook Page. [Facebook, 9/17/22]

PNfV Has Promoted GCHR and Its Recent Study on Funding Sources for the IACHR and Inter-American Court Through An Interview With GCHR President Sebastian Schuff on its Website. [Political Network for Values, 10/27/22]

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GCHR’s Only Real Work Seems To Be A Recent Study Decrying IACHR and Inter-American Court Funding from Outside the Region – Despite GCHR Being Based in Washington, D.C. And Not Having Clear Financials.

GCHR Published Their Study “Balance of the financing of the IACHR and the Inter-American Court: Opacities and influences in a conditional financing (2009-2021)” To Smear These Groups For Their Funding Sources – Despite Having Unclear and Non-Latin America Based Dynamics Themselves. [Global Center for Human Rights, accessed 11/14/22]

The Study Has Been Gaining Traction With Right Wing Media in Latin America… “El Global Center for Human Rights (Centro Global de Derechos Humanos) publicó un informe en el que alerta sobre serios problemas en el financiamiento del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, conformados por la Comisión (CIDH) y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos  (Corte IDH). Así lo indicó en el “Balance del financiamiento de la CIDH y la Corte Interamericana: 2009 – 2021: Opacidades e influencias en una financiación condicionada”.” [ACI Prensa, 10/4/22]

  • The Global Center for Human Rights (Global Center for Human Rights) published a report warning about serious problems in the financing of the Inter-American Human Rights System, made up of the Commission (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR Court ). This was indicated in the “Balance of financing of the IACHR and the Inter-American Court: 2009 – 2021: Opacities and influences in conditional financing”

…As Well As Right-Wing Politicians in the Region. “El Bloque de Parlamentarios en Defensa de la Vida y la Familia, conformado por 30 congresistas peruanos, se pronunció contra la intromisión de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) en las leyes locales.

El congresista Alejandro Muñante, tercer vicepresidente del Congreso peruano y uno de los voceros del Bloque, explicó que el Proyecto de Resolución de la OEA referido a la “Promoción y Protección de Derechos Humanos” incluye conceptos no reconocidos por la legislación nacional peruana como el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, la identidad de género autopercibida y la legalización del aborto, entre otros. Sebastian Schuff, abogado argentino y presidente del Global Center for Human Rights, reveló varios casos de financiamiento condicionado en la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y la Corte Interamericana a agendas ideológicas como la de los lobbies internacionales LGTBI y del aborto. Schuff presentó un reporte completo de una nociva dependencia financiera de la CIDH y la Corte a aportes de países que no pertenecen al sistema interamericano, de ONGs y de empresas internacionales.” [Siete24, 10/3/22]

  • “The Block of Parliamentarians in Defense of Life and the Family, made up of 30 Peruvian congressmen, spoke out against the interference of the Organization of American States (OAS) in local laws. Congressman Alejandro Muñante, third vice president of the Peruvian Congress and one of the Bloc’s spokesmen, explained that the OAS Draft Resolution referring to the “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” includes concepts not recognized by Peruvian national legislation such as marriage between people of the same sex, self-perceived gender identity and the legalization of abortion, among others. Sebastian Schuff, Argentine lawyer and president of the Global Center for Human Rights, revealed several cases of conditioned financing in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court to ideological agendas such as that of international LGTBI and abortion lobbies. Schuff presented a complete report of a harmful financial dependence of the IACHR and the Court on contributions from countries that do not belong to the inter-American system, from NGOs and from international companies.”
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GCHR Was a Sponsor of the 2022 Summit of Official Hate Group World Congress of Families

Mexico Again Hosted WCF in 2022, Where Global Center for Human Rights Was A Sponsor In A Who’s-Who of Antis. “México será la sede del XIV Congreso Mundial de las Familias (WCF, por sus siglas en ingles), el evento intercultural e interreligioso mas importante del mundo en su tipo que tiene como finalidad fortalecer a la familia para favorecer el desarrollo integral y pleno de sus miembros. … Cabe señalar que las instituciones que invitan y convocan a la edición XIV del Congreso Mundial de las Familias son: Red Familia, Juntos por México, La Iglesia de los Santos de los Últimos días, Federación de Asociaciones de Padres y Amigos de Centros Educativos (FAPACE), Unión Nacional Cristiana, Confederación USEM, International Organization for the Family y Global Center for Human Rights.” [Yo Influyo, 9/5/22]

  • “Mexico will host the XIV World Congress of Families (WCF, for its acronym in English), the most important intercultural and interreligious event in the world of its kind, whose purpose is to strengthen the family to favor the integral and full development of its members. … It should be noted that the institutions that invite and convene the XIV edition of the World Congress of Families are: Red Familia, Together for Mexico, The Church of the Saints of the Last Days, Federation of Associations of Parents and Friends of Educational Centers (FAPACE), National Christian Union, USEM Confederation, International Organization for the Family and Global Center for Human Rights.”
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GCHR Is an Incredibly Obtuse Organization, With Little to No Public Data or Records Available.

GCHR is an incredibly obtuse organization, with a relatively hard financial and incorporation status to track down. It is also relatively new, compounding these difficulties.

  • GCHR appears to be incorporated as “Global Center for Human Rights Suffix” under the Registered Agent “Incorp Services, Inc” in Washington, D.C., having incorporated there on 9/11/21, with the active filing number of N00007103184. [Bizapedia, accessed 11/13/22]
    • This site puts incorporation under the Registered Agent “Incorp Services, Inc.” based out of 1100 H St. NW Suite 840, Washington, D.C. 20005, which is also its principal address.
    • The 4 contacts on record, according to this site, are Manuel Acosta, Neydy Casillas, Sebastian Schuff, and Segu Vicente.
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