Enfoque a la Familia

Enfoque a la Familia is the Latin American regional branch of the U.S.-based extremist right-wing fundamentalist Christian organization Focus on the Family. FOTF uses its massive machine to fund and export its anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-comprehensive sex education agenda across Latin America.

Summary Extremism Key Players Influence Financial Related Orgs


Enfoque a la Familia is the Latin American regional branch of extremist right-wing fundamentalist Christian organization Focus on the Family (FOTF), which shares the same name in English. While Focus on the Family is U.S.-based, Enfoque a la Familia is a specific project dedicated to spreading similar anti-abortion extremism in Latin American countries including Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and others called “Enfoque a la Familia.” Enfoque a la Familia is recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as a special adviser.

While FOTA is led by Jim Daly, Enfoque a la Familia is led by Sixto Porras. Both branches of the organization share the same mission: “cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.” The organization uses its fundamentalist Christian identity to promote creationism, abstinence-only sex education, anti-LGBTQIA+ ideologies, rigidly sexist gender roles, and their extreme anti-abortion stance: opposition to abortion “from conception until natural death.” The Southern Poverty Law Center has described Enfoque a la Familia’s parent organization FOTF as one of a “dozen major groups [which] help drive the religious right’s anti-gay crusade”.

Enfoque a la Familia’s most public activities involve the dissemination of their ideology through radio shows and daily podcasts, educational materials, webinars, and courses, and social media – their Facebook maintains over 800,000 followers and their Instagram almost 100k followers, making these pages some of the most prolific Spanish-language anti-rights sites.

FOTF is a 501(c)(3) designated organization with a 501(c)(4) designated arm for lobbying called the Family Policy Alliance (FPA) in the United States. In 2017, Focus on the Family declared itself a church, consequently, it is largely shielded from IRS audits. This has made it incredibly hard to track the financials of Enfoque a la Familia, which appears to be based out of Costa Rica but receives its funding from the American branch. Thus, this furthers the dynamics of American individuals, organizations, and money propping up and influencing anti-rights agenda in Latin America.


Enfoque a la Familia Is Active in Pushing for Regressive, Homophobic, and Anti-Abortion Sex Education Curricula Across Latin America.

Enfoque a la Familia Has a History of Promoting Abstinence-Only Education in Costa Rica In Partnership With the Catholic Church… “Focus on the Family se ocupa, entre otros proyectos, de la educación enfocada en la abstinencia. Por ejemplo en Costa Rica, la coordinadora de Desarrollo Institucional de Enfoque a la Familia, Adela Porras, al igual que la jerarquía católica, critica el programa educativo ‘Amor joven’ por ‘promover’ los anticonceptivos y provocar un ‘divorcio’ entre el Estado y la Iglesia católica. Dicho grupo, como otros de filiación católica, difunde entre los jóvenes la idea de que tener relaciones sexuales no es algo natural sino inducido: ‘la carencia de afecto y la desintegración familiar lleva a los jóvenes a mantener ‘relaciones sexuales.’ Según Enfoque a la Familia, ‘dicta charlas en los planteles educativos de Costa Rica con el aval gubernamental, capacitando a un promedio de cinco mil a siete mil jóvenes y unos 150 docentes a nivel nacional todos los meses, a través del programa ‘El sexo, las mentiras y la verdad.’” [PromSex, 6/2005]

  • “Focus on the Family deals, among other projects, with education focused on abstinence. For example, in Costa Rica, the coordinator of Institutional Development for Focus on the Family, Adela Porras, with the Catholic hierarchy, criticized the educational program “Young Love” for “promoting contraceptives” and causing a “divorce” between the State and the Catholic Church. This group, like others with Catholic affiliation, disseminates among young people the idea that having sex is not something natural but induced”

… And Has Done the Same Thing In Ecuador, Too. “En Ecuador, según información ACI del 16 de diciembre de 2000, Focus on the Family promovió con el apoyo de la jerarquía católica la campaña ‘El verdadero amor espera.’” [PromSex, 6/2005]

  • “In Ecuador, according to ACI information dated December 16, 2000, Focus on the Family promoted the campaign ‘True Love Awaits’ with the support of the Catholic hierarchy.”

Enfoque a la Familia Regional Director Sixto Porras Spoke at the #aMisHijosEducoYo March in Costa Rica. “Pastors, evangelical leaders and Christian politicians gathered last weekend in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, to publicly express their rejection of the inclusion of gender ideology in the sex education classes that the Ministry of Education wants to put into effect. With the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children), thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital. Endorsed by the Evangelical Alliance, the concentration was full of speeches and prayer for the family. … ‘I encourage you to educate and instruct your children, the State should not educate our children ethically, morally and spiritually. Claim that right in the educational center,’ Sixto Porras, director of Focus on the Family for Latin America said to the parents during the demonstration.” [Evangelical Focus, 7/26/17]

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Enfoque a la Familia

Enfoque a la Familia Regional Director Sixto Porras Was Involved in the Introduction of Anti-Abortion Legislation in the Costa Rican Congress. “Jonathan Prendas junto al resto de diputados del bloque Nueva Republica presentaran esta tarde un Proyecto para ampliar derechos del no nacido. … Para hacer el anuncio, los legisladores organizaron una reunion esta manana en el Colegio de Abogados y varios profesionales firmaron una declaracion. Entre ellos estan la exdiputada Alexandra Loria; Alejandro Leal, bioeticista; Lisbeth Quesada, exdefensora de los Habitantes; Andres Catillo, president del Colegio de Medicos; y Sixto Porras, director regional de Enfoque a la Familia.” [elmundo.cr, 1/28/19]

  • Jonathan Prendas together with the rest of the deputies of the Nueva Republica bloc will present this afternoon a project to expand the rights of the unborn. … To make the announcement, legislators held a meeting this morning at the Bar Association and several professionals signed a statement. Among them are former deputy Alexandra Loria; Alejandro Leal, bioethicist; Lisbeth Quesada, former defender of the Inhabitants; Andres Castillo, president of the College of Physicians; and Sixto Porras, regional director of Enfoque a la Familia.”
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Enfoque a la Familia Spreads Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate, Including Supporting Conversion Therapy.

Enfoque a la Familia Profits Off of Paid Anti-LGTBQIA+ ‘Conversion Therapy’ Sessions. “One of our reporters posed as a married woman who had become involved in an extra-marital lesbian relationship. She contacted Enfoque a la Familia – the Costa Rican arm of the US conservative group Focus on the Family – via its website, where she was able to book and pay in dollars for an online ‘therapy’ session with a psychologist listed on the site. This psychologist mentioned the issue of ‘guilt’ ten times during the session and told our reporter that homosexuality was ‘wrong.’ ‘Today is the day to put on the table what is wrong. You said […] that you have principles and values […] and your little heart is beating in panic. The practitioner also claimed that only heterosexual couples are acceptable. ‘God created man and woman […] our perfect match, and he’s perfect and marvellous. This [homosexuality] is learnt, is something developed on the road,’ she said.” [openDemocracy, 11/24/21]

Enfoque a la Familia Director Sixto Porras Grotesquely Compared Freedom and Respect for LGBTQIA+ Individuals to Pedophilia. “Se estan creando leyes que atentan contra las ensenanzas eticas y morales que los padres han dado a sus hijos en el tema de la sexualidad. Se prodcura que los ninos tengan el derecho de disfrutar libra y plenamente su sexualidad. … En esta misma direccion, recientemente se dio una marcha de ‘orgullo pedofilo’ en los Estados Unidos. Aunque nos parece repugnante, si no asumimos conciencia, se tornara normal en el futuro.” [Evangelico Digital, 3/11/22]

  • “Laws are being created that violate the ethical and moral teachings that parents have given their children on the subject of sexuality. It seeks that children have the right to freely and fully enjoy their sexuality. … In this same direction, a ‘pedophile pride’ march was recently held in the United States. Although it seems disgusting to us, if we do not assume awareness, it will become normal in the future.”
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Key Players

Regional Director – Enfoque a la Familia

Sixto Porras

Sixto Porras has worked with “Enfoque a la Familia” for 25 years as the Regional Director for Focus on the Family Latin America; which is recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as a special adviser. Porras’s most public role is to be the host of the Spanish-language version of the FOTF podcast.

Porras has relationships and influence with many governments across Latin America – the governments of Costa Rica, Colombia, Paraguay, Guatemala, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Chile, El Salvador, Peru, and Venezuela have invited him to give conferences and seminars related to family issues, adolescent sexuality, youth, and communication. In 2008, the National Securities Commission of Costa Rica awarded him the National Securities Award for his work “on behalf of the family.” Also, The Congress of the Republic of Peru recognized him for his contribution to this country. Porras has a widely followed motivational/self-help speaking series and is considered one of the most listened-to anti-rights activists in Latin America. This inroad makes him a particularly potent force in spreading anti-rights narratives.

Porras has spread his anti-LGBTQIA+ and anti-abortion views through these avenues, as well as before the diplomatic missions of Latin America accredited to the UN in New York, and in the plenaries of the Legislative Congresses of Honduras and Nicaragua. As FOTF continues to grow their footprint in Latin America, Porras will be a key player. [FOTF Website, Accessed 11/23/21]

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Founder of Focus on the Family

James Dobson

Dobson is an evangelical Christian who ran Focus on the Family until 2010. Though never ordained as a minister, he has been referred to as “the nation’s most influential evangelical leader.” Dobson has been an influential voice in right-wing politics and has founded multiple other right-wing Christian fundamentalist groups in the United States, including Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Research Council

Dobson spoke at the 2004 rally against gay marriage called Mayday for Marriage where he endorsed George W. Bush for President. At the rally, he denounced the Supreme Court rulings in favor of gay rights, and he urged rally participants to get out and vote so the Senate could defeat protections for LGBTQIA+ individuals and couples.

Dobson’s extremist views include that patriarchy is god’s willSpongebob Squarepants is “pro-gay” propaganda, and extreme and sexual abuses to “prevent children from becoming gay. Since leaving Focus On The Family, Dobson blamed the Sandy Hook shooting on legalized abortion and LGBTQ rights, called immigrants “violent criminals,” and recorded a radio ad endorsing alleged pedophile Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate. 

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President and CEO of Focus on the Family

Jim Daly

As current President, one of Daly’s most public roles is to be the main host of FOTF’s podcast and radio program. In his role, Daly has lauded dangerous anti-abortion restrictions, like Texas’s 6-week ban as “common sense” and “a step in the right direction.” Daly has also pushed extremist views on LGBTQIA+ individuals, stating “that Satan himself is promoting same-sex marriage since “he hates marriage because it’s a reflection of God’s image.”

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Red Familia

Enfoque a la Familia’s Mexico Arm Was Part Of Red Familia. “En contraste con algunos otros grupos protestantes, Focus on the Family ha brindado un apoyo importante en varias ocasiones a las fuerzas conservadoras católicas, ya sea participando en coaliciones provida, como la mencionada red Familia, de México,” [PromSex, 6/2005]

  • “In contrast to some other Protestant groups, Focus on the Family has provided significant support on several occasions to conservative Catholic forces, either by participating in pro-life coalitions, such as the aforementioned Red Familia, from Mexico,”
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Political Network for Values

The Political Network for Values held its 2019’s transatlantic summit (gathering of like-minded opposition actors) was in Bogotá, Colombia. Thomas Jacobson, a former Focus on the Family representative to the United Nations who now heads the anti-abortion group, Global Life Campaign, was a speaker. [Right Wing Watch, Accessed 11/4/2021], [PNfV, Accessed 11/11/21].

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Enfoque a la Familia Receives The Most Attention and Funding of Any Focus on the Family Regional Affiliate.

Focus on the Family Maintains a Global Presence, With Influence in Countries on Every Continent. At “Actualmente, tiene su moderno complejo de oficinas generales en Colorado Springs, Colorado, así oficinas ‘asociadas’ en varios países como: Australia, Canadá, Taiwán, Costa Rica (donde fue establecida en 1998 con el nombre Enfoque a la Familia), Indonesia, Japon, Corea, Malasia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Filipinas, Sudáfrica y Reino Unido.” [PromSex, 6/2005]


  • “Currently, [FOTF] has their modern general office complex in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as well as ‘associated’ offices in various countries like: Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Costa Rica (where it was established in 1998 with the name Enfoque a la Familia), Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Norway, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.” 


Enfoque a la Familia Receives the Highest Level of International Investment And Has Especially Pushed Anti-LGBTQIA+ ‘Conversion Therapy’ In the Region. “Focus on the Family – exposed in a recent investigation by openDemocracy as a transnational promote of what critics call anti-LGBTQ ‘conversion therapy’ – spent more money in Latin America ($1.5m) than in any other region.” [openDemocracy, 12/3/21]

Enfoque a la Familia Director Sixto Porras Is Well Connected Across Latin American Politics, Especially in His Home Country of Costa Rica. “Sixto Porras, formerly its regional director for Ibero-America, is a public figure in Costa Rica, runs online shows and podcasts and is frequently invited by the media to speak as an expert on family issues. Porras is connected to the evangelical presidential candidate Fabricio Alvarado, while his son Daniel (who works for Enfoque a la Familia) is under investigation by electoral authorities for his alleged role in non-disclosed fundraising events for Alvarado’s former party, Restauración Nacional during the 2018 presidential campaign.” [openDemocracy, 11/24/21]

Enfoque a la Familia Director Sixto Porras’s Sister, Ruth Porras, Ran as a Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalist Candidate for Guanacaste Mayor in 2020. “What he did say is that, if he becomes mayor, he will continue to allocate municipal resources for activities that ‘encourage Christian values and principes.’ … The same belief is shared by the Restoration candidate for vice mayor, Ruth Porras, sister of Sixto Porras, Ibero-American regional director for the Christian NGO Enfoque a la Familia.” [Voz de Guanacaste, 1/6/20]

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FOTF Has had UN Accreditation and Special Consultative Status since 2003. [Norad Report, Accessed 10/27/21]

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Parent Organization Focus on the Family is headquartered and incorporated in Colorado Springs, Colorado. [ProPublica, 3/24/21]

  • 501(c)(3) designation – nonprofit designated since February 1978
  • CFO/Treasurer: Dan Mellema 
  • FY 2019 Revenue – $99,205,813

[ProPublica, 3/24/21]

Parent Organization Focus on the Family is Incredibly Well-Funded – They Raised Over $515 Million Between 2014-2019, Making It One of the Most-Well Funded Anti-Rights Groups in the U.S. “Focus On The Family has raised over $515 Million over the past five years [data obtained in 2014], making it one of the most well funded anti-LGBT organizations in America.  They invest in public education campaigns against LGBT equality, while their related organization CitizenLink [now Family Policy Alliance] supports radical anti-LGBT candidates who work against basic civil rights and legal protections.” [Human Rights Campaign, Accessed 11/4/21]

In Its 2017 Tax Filing Year, Parent Organization Focus On The Family Declared Itself to be a Church, “Primarily To Protect The Confidentiality Of Our Donors.” [Right Wing Watch, Accessed 11/2/21]

  • Because of this, FOTF is largely shielded from audits, and the IRS may only do so with the approval of a “high level treasury official.”
  • IRS database of tax-exempt organizations lists FOTF as an organization that doesn’t have to file a 990 form  (though FOTF has been filing some barebones 990 forms and publishing vague annual reports on their finances).
  • FOTF is exempt from the ACA’s contraception health insurance coverage requirement. [Right Wing Watch, Accessed 11/2/21

It Appears That, In Addition to Private Donations, Enfoque a la Familia Receives Its Funding from the American-Based Parent Organization Focus on the Family.

  • Thus, because of its American incorporation and “church” status, it is incredibly hard to track the financials of Enfoque a la Familia. This furthers a narrative of American individuals, organizations, and money influencing Latin American anti-rights agendas

[ProPublica, 3/24/21]

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